PDA: Specifying whether the problem determination aid is initiated

Explanation: PDA(NONE | ON | OFF) is an optional subparameter that specifies whether the problem determination aid (PDA) is enabled. The PDA facility gathers diagnostic information and records the information in a storage buffer and in DASD data sets.

You can specify PDA tracing in the DFSMShsm startup procedure. Specifying the PDA=YES parameter allows the PDA facility to collect trace data prior to the processing of the SETSYS PDA(ON) command.

Subparameter Explanation
NONE The PDA facility does not start at DFSMShsm startup. No space for the storage buffer is requested, and the trace output data sets are not opened.
Note: This keyword is effective only at DFSMShsm startup. If issued after DFSMShsm startup, NONE has the same results as issuing the OFF keyword.
ON Storage is requested for the trace buffer and the trace output data sets open. If the trace data sets are not allocated, the problem determination aid function continues to trace in internal storage.
OFF The trace facilities are suspended but the primary module is left active. The trace buffer storage area remains allocated and the output data sets remain open, but the bit to allow tracing is turned off.

SMS relationship: Parameter has the same meaning when applied to SMS-managed or non-SMS-managed DASD volumes or data sets.

SETSYS default: If you do not specify either the ON or OFF keyword, the default is ON.

DFSMShsm default: If you do not specify either the ON or OFF keywords, the default is ON.