MIGRATE command: Requesting a space management function

The MIGRATE command requests the type of space management you want DFSMShsm to do: migration, data set deletion, or data set retirement. You can issue the MIGRATE command to cause space management for:
You can issue the MIGRATE command to cause migration for:
  1. If you want to move data sets from one tape migration level 2 volume to another tape migration level 2 volume, you must recycle the tape migration level 2 volume. RECYCLE command: Consolidating valid data to one tape from other tapes contains information about recycling tape volumes.
  2. If you want to move all eligible data sets from a specific migration level 1 volume or a specific migration level 2 DASD volume to other migration level 2 volumes, you must use the FREEVOL command. See FREEVOL command: Freeing DFSMShsm-owned volumes.
  3. Fast subsequent migration can take place under both data set and volume MIGRATE commands. For more information on setting up fast subsequent migration, see Reconnecting data sets using fast subsequent migration.