Errors detected when using AUDIT MEDIACONTROLS for a tape volume

For each specified volume serial number identifying a DFSMShsm-owned backup or migration tape volume, AUDIT next verifies the type and format of tape. If the volume record indicates a tape other than one in single file format, AUDIT reports *ERR 130.

For a tape volume in single file format, AUDIT mounts the tape and reads blocks sequentially, searching for CDD control information marking the start of one or more blocks constituting a data set copy. (A given tape may contain the start or continuation of a copy spanning volumes.) When a CDD is found, AUDIT uses the data there —and the number of blocks read since the last CDD found— to check other control information, and to verify or reconstruct an entry in the TTOC records for the volume.

If AUDIT cannot allocate or mount a tape volume, it reports *ERR 131. If AUDIT can allocate and mount the volume, it continues.