Suspending XRC volume pairs

Whenever volume pairs are in a suspended state, XRC does not apply primary volume updates to the suspended secondary volumes. A track-level bitmap is maintained of changed tracks that are associated with the suspended primary volumes. Suspension messages report the consistency group time for the suspended volumes.

The suspension of a volume pair, as the result of an error, may cause XRC to take action on other volume pairs as a result. The ERRORLEVEL that you specified for the suspended volume pair, and the scope of the error, both determine the actions that are taken by XRC.

If errors occur while a volume pair is in suspended state, the pair remains in a suspended state and the ERRORLEVEL parameter has no effect on suspended volume pairs. Certain severe errors such as loss of the software or hardware bitmap records may require that you do a full-volume resynchronization on the volume pair when you add it back to the XRC session.

For additional information about the XSUSPEND command and associated parameters, refer to XSUSPEND–Suspending volumes or sessions.

For additional information about each ERRORLEVEL specification, refer to Recovering from error conditions using extended remote copy.