XDEL (XRC delete volume pair)

Use request type XDEL to delete pairs of volumes from an XRC session. This invokes ANTRQST ILK=XRC REQUEST=XDEL.

Specifies the name of the XRC session to which the request is sent. It is required.
Specifies the MVS volume serial number for the primary volume to be deleted, or ALL if all of the volume pairs are to be deleted. It is required.
Specifies a list of 1 to 100 MVS primary volume serial numbers of volume pairs to be deleted. VOLLIST is mutually exclusive with PVOLSER.

You can include up to 6 primary volumes, separated by commas, with each VOLLIST keyword, and you can specify VOLLIST multiple times.

Specifies the UTC timestamp of when the volumes are to be deleted. The format is YYYY.DDD_HH:MM:SS.THMIJU. This field is required if the ETYPE parameter ATTIME is specified, otherwise, it is ignored.
Specifies when the command will be processed.
Process the XDEL command as soon as the current consistency group has been applied. This is the default.
Process the XDEL command when the specified UTC time is reached
Delete an outstanding XDEL command
Process the XDEL command when the consistency group represented by the most recent timestamp of all volumes being deleted has been applied
Specifies a variable, msg, in which ANTRQST will place the address of a buffer containing messages about the results of the processed request. These are messages that would have been returned to the caller if the TSO interface had been used. Refer to the ANTRQST macro for the format of the buffer. MESSAGES is required.
WAITTIME(waittime | 0)
Specifies the number of seconds that SDM must wait for a request to complete. A value of zero specifies that the request should not be timed. Valid values are 0 through 65535. The default is 0.