XCONTIME (XRC consistency time)

Use request type XCONTIME to ask for the current XRC consistency time. This invokes ANTRQST ILK=XRC REQUEST=XCONTIME.

Specifies the name of the XRC session to which the request is sent. It is required.
Specifies the name of the field to be used to return consistency time for the specified XRC session. It is required. The returned time is a 64-bit time-of-day (TOD) value in UTC format. The consistency time returned is the time to which volume pairs in the XRC session were last consistent. The time is taken from the application system clock.
Specifies the high-level qualifier that was used on the XSTART command.

The HLQ name will only be used if XRC is not active. In this case, the consistency time will be obtained from the XRC state data set with the specified HLQ.

WAITTIME(waittime | 0)
Specifies the number of seconds that SDM must wait for a request to complete. A value of zero specifies that the request should not be timed. Valid values are 0 through 65535.