Required parameters

A two-digit value ranging from 00 to FF specifying the Global Mirror session number for query. If this is not specified, every session number defined in the LSS where the query is directed is queried. If 00 is specified, all current sessions are queried.
Specifies the six-digit MVS volume number of the device to be used for I/O. When LSSTYPE(FB) is specified, this is a six-character MVS volume serial number of the device to be used as a CKD access device for I/O. This must be an online System z® volume located in the same cluster as the LSS where the command is directed.
Specifies the action to be performed:
Provides a formatted report to the TSO user with information pertaining to device specified in the request and the Global Mirror (or Asynchronous PPRC) session.
Provides a formatted report to the TSO user with summary information pertaining to the Global Mirror (or Asynchronous PPRC) session.

The control unit returns information for multiple sessions, with detail for sessions that were started in the same cluster as the device where the query was issued, and a status of NotOwnedCL, for sessions that were started in the other cluster, or NotMaster, for subordinate sessions. Information returned for sessions not owned by the cluster where the query was issued or for a subordinate session consists of:

  • Session ID
  • CG interval time
  • Coordination interval time
  • Max drain time
  • Master CU sequence number.
If the IBM storage management software specified the SYSPLEXNAME keyword on START or RESUME, the following are included:
  • Current sysplex clock time
  • Drift
  • Last Good CG sysplex clock time
  • Sysplex name.

When multiple sessions are started for an SFI, ACTION=GMLSTAT with SNBR of 00 returns information for multiple sessions, separated by a line of asterisks (*). Specifying a SNBR other than 00 displays only query information for that session. The default is 00 (show all sessions in the query).

Provides a formatted report to the TSO user with summary information pertaining to the LSS specified in the request and the Global Mirror session.
Specifies a two-character input field indicating the type of report to be generated. Valid values are hex characters in the range 00-FF. LSSNBR is required if LSSTYPE(FB) is specified, otherwise it defaults to the LSS where the device specified in the VOLSER keyword resides.
An optional three-character field identifying the type of devices in the LSS. Valid types are:
Open, or fixed block devices.
Count key data, or System z-attached devices.
A two-character field specifying the device for which the query is being issued. This is required when LSSTYPE is FB. When optionally specified for an LSSTYPE of CKD, this value is the cca.
Specifies the four-digit MVS device number of the device to be used for I/O. When LSSTYPE(FB) is specified, this is a four-digit MVS device number of the device to be used as a CKD access device for I/O. This must be a System z device located in the same cluster as the LSS where the command is directed. DEVN is mutually exclusive with the VOLSER.