PARMLIB example

The following is an example of member ZOWIE, which was created in parmlib hlq.XCOPY.PARMLIB for use when starting XRC session ZOWIE.

/*                 ZOWIE                                               */
/*                                                                     */
/*  This is an initialization parmlib member for XRC logical session   */
/*  ZOWIE.                                                             */
/*                                                                     */
/*  Change Activity:                                                   */
/*                                                                     */
/*  $L0=OW52938,HDZ11E0,010630,TUCRNC: XRC parmlib support             */
/*                                                                     */
VOLINIT -                    				
       MaxNumberInitializations(3) -   	
       InitializationsPerPrimary(1) -  	
       InitializationsPerSecondary(1) -	
       TracksPerRead(2) -    				
SHADOW -                            			
       StorageControlTimeout(00.04.05) -   
       MaxBytesTransferred(750001) -			
       MaxTracksUpdated(2) -        			
BITMAP -                 			
       DelayTime(00.02.05) -  	
FLAG   -                 			
       Name(ABEND_LIC) -   		
FLAG	 - 								
       Name(SCTRAP)	-				
PATCH  -									
       Name(DUMPMSG1) -			
       OldData('****') -			

During this session, only three synchronizations and resynchronizations can occur simultaneously. There is a maximum of one simultaneous synchronization per storage control per primary or secondary volume. XRC writes or reads only two tracks at a time. The storage control sessions time out 4 minutes 5 seconds after XRC stops reading record sets. XRC is restricted to writing 750001 bytes at one time for each channel program. XRC updates or formats only two tracks at one time per write channel program.

The SDM switches the resynchronization bitmaps after the first occurrence of one of the following two conditions: After the bitmaps have been reset, both the elapsed time and changed tracks counters are also reset to zero.

The flag information indicates that if XRC receives the ANTX5106E, return code 638, error message, it generates a storage dump. Also, XRC requests that the storage control generate a dump of the internal control queue when it receives LIC-related errors.

The patch information indicates that if XRC writes out message ANTS5100E it should generate a storage dump.