Withdraw source and target

Specification of the both the SDEVN parameter and the TDEVN parameter allows the user to limit the scope of the withdraw to those FlashCopy® relationships which have source extents on the specified SDEVN and corresponding target extents on the TDEVN, regardless of whatever source and target relationships with other devices may exist.

FlashCopy Version 1 withdraw specifying the source device and the target device is different from withdraw target only in one respect: if the source device is not the source device in a relationship with the target device, the request fails. FlashCopy Version 2 withdraw specifying the source device and target device affects existing FlashCopy relationships with the same devices in the same relationship order (source extents on the source device, target extents on the target device). If a FlashCopy relationship is within the specified extents but is not in the same relationship order as the withdraw request, the existing FlashCopy relationship is not changed. FlashCopy relationships to devices not specified in the withdraw request are unchanged.