Avoiding deadlock conditions

XRC allocates the state, control, and journal data sets when you issue an XSTART command. The catalog that is accessed by the HLQ keyword on the XSTART command controls access to these data sets. Ensure that application programs have not reserved this catalog data set, as this can cause a long busy condition (with resultant IEA482I or IEF196I messages). If this occurs, the XSTART function fails with a return code of 435 or 486 when attempting to allocate these data sets. You will need to cancel the jobs causing the deadlock situation.

You may avoid this deadlock condition by having the XRC state, control, and journal data sets in a user catalog that contains only entries for these data sets. Also ensure that either XRC is not copying the volume these data sets are on, or the volume does not contain data sets that application programs are updating. Either of these conditions can cause a deadlock condition.