Subparameters for REQUEST=XSUSPEND

Suspends an XRC session, or suspends volume pairs in an XRC session.
A required input character field containing the XRC session ID to which the request is sent. The ID is left-justified and padded on the right with blanks.

To code: Specify the RS-type address, or address in register (2)-(12), of a required 8-character field.

The following is a set of mutually exclusive keys. This set is required; only one key must be specified.

Belongs to a set of mutually exclusive keys. A character parameter field that contains the primary volser of a volume pair to be suspended, or ALL if all volume pairs are to be suspended.

To code: Specify the RS-type address, or address in register (2)-(12), of a 6-character field.

Belongs to a set of mutually exclusive keys. A character parameter field containing a timeout value that will be sent to every controller in the session as part of the session suspension. The format is HH.MM.SS. To get the storage control default specify 00.00.00.

To code: Specify the RS-type address, or address in register (2)-(12), of an 8-character field.

Belongs to a set of mutually exclusive keys. A character input field containing a hexadecimal storage control session ID, left justified, of a session to be suspended. For example, scession X'0A' would be specified as X'0A00'.

In addition, you must use DEVN with SCSESSION. DEVN is a required 2-character input field that contains a hexadecimal number of a device attached to the storage control that will have it's session suspended. For example, device number F40 would be specified as X'0F40'.

To code: Specify the RS-type address, or address in register (2)-(12), of a 2-character field for both SCSESSION and DEVN.

End of a set of mutually exclusive required keys.

A required output parameter field that is used to return detailed information about the results of executing the request. Information about the results of scheduling the request are returned in the RETCODE and RSNCODE fields. Align the area on a word boundary. The first 4-bytes contain the return code and the second 4-bytes contain the reason code. The remainder of the information is dependent on the return and reason codes. See the coding example SDM API usability guide about how to coordinate the RETCODE, RSNCODE, and RETINFO fields.

To code: Specify the RS-type address, or address in register (2)-(12), of a required 100-character output field.

A required output parameter field in which ANTRQST will place the address of a buffer containing messages about the results of executing the request. These are the messages that would have been returned to the caller if the TSO interface had been used. If there are no messages, the address will be zero.
An ANTRQST message buffer has the following format:
  • Bytes 1-4 contain the size of the ANTRQST message buffer.
  • Byte 5 contains the subpool of the ANTRQST message buffer.
  • Byte 6 is not used.
  • Bytes 7-8 contain the number of messages in the array that follows.

The rest of the message buffer is an array of messages. Each message has the following format:

  • Bytes 1-2 contain the size of the message in bytes 3-x.
  • Bytes 3-x contain the message.

To code: Specify the RS-type address, or address in register (2)-(12), of a required 4-character field.

An optional input parameter field that SDM posts for an asynchronous request. This field is ignored for synchronous requests.

The default is NO_ECB.

To code: Specify the RS-type address, or address in register (2)-(12), of a fullword field.

An optional input parameter field that contains the UTC timestamp of when the suspend will happen. The format is YYYY.DDD HH:MM:SS.THMIJU. This field is required if the ETYPE parameter value ATTIME is specified. It is ignored otherwise.

The default is NO_ATTIME.

To code: Specify the RS-type address, or address in register (2)-(12), of an optional 24-character input field.

An optional input parameter field that specifies when the command will be executed. The value is left-justified and padded on the right with blanks. If the field contains binary zeros, the program uses the default.

ATTIME indicates the XSUSPEND command will be executed when the specified UTC time is reached.

CANCEL indicates an outstanding XSUSPEND command will be deleted.

DRAIN indicates the XSUSPEND command will be executed when the consistency group represented by the most recent timestamp of all volumes being deleted has been applied.

IMMEDIATE indicates the XSUSPEND command will be executed as soon as the current consistency group has been applied.

The default is IMMEDIATE.

To code: Specify the RS-type address, or address in register (2)-(12), of an optional 16-character field.

An optional input parameter field containing the high level qualifier of the Master Control data set. The name is left justified and padded on the right with blanks. If the field contains binary zeros, the default is used.

The default is SYS1.

To code: Specify the RS-type address, or address in register (2)-(12), of an 8-character field.

An optional halfword input parameter field containing how long in seconds SDM will wait for a request to complete. A value of zero says to not time the request. If the time expires before the request is complete a value of 7039 (RQST_WAITTIME_EXPIRED [see ANTRQSTL]) will be returned. If the request is a synchronous request the value will be placed in the RTNCODE part of RETINFO. If the request is an asynchronous request the value will be used as the ECB post code.

The default is 0.

To code: Specify the RS-type address, or address in register (2)-(12), of an optional halfword input field.