Adding a PPRC volume pair

Use the CESTPAIR command to specify the PPRC primary and secondary volumes that will make up the pair. Issue the CESTPAIR command to the primary (source) device address. The CESTPAIR command also allows you to add a PPRC volume pair using PPRC extended distance mode and then transition the volume pair to synchronous mode. For information, see Establishing PPRC volume pairs.

Before you issue the CESTPAIR command, you may want to first issue a CQUERY command to both devices that will become the PPRC duplex pair. The returned information includes the storage control SSID, serial number and CCA of the device. The CESTPAIR command requires this information.
  1. To change the value of a CESTPAIR command parameter for an established PPRC volume pair, first issue a CSUSPEND command. Next, reestablish the pair with a CESTPAIR command using the RESYNC parameter specifying all of the desired parameters.
  2. If you issue a CESTPAIR command with the RESYNC option to a secondary volume that has been set to simplex with the CRECOVER command, ensure that applications have not modified that volume. If you suspect that the volume data may have changed, reestablish the pair with the CESTPAIR command COPY option. This will protect the data integrity of the two volumes.
The following command adds a synchronous PPRC volume pair:
 CESTPAIR DEVN(X'0C40') PRIM(X'6060' 62019 X'00')
              SEC(X'6061' 68006 X'09') MODE(COPY) PACE(15) CRIT(N)
You can run the following JCL as a batch job, or process it from a PROCLIB to automate the procedures that are shown here. This example shows how to add four PPRC paths and a volume pair to PPRC.
     //          MSGLEVEL=(1,1),MSGCLASS=A,NOTIFY=user ID
     //STEPLIB DD DSN=authorized.cmdlib,DISP=SHR
     //SYSTSIN  DD *
       CESTPATH                                +
          DEVN(X'0C44')                        +
          PRIM(X'6060' 62019)                  +
          SEC(X'6061' 68006)                   +
          LINK(X'00008000' X'00108100' X'00018200' X'00118300')
       CESTPAIR                                +
          DEVN(X'0C40')                        +
          PRIM(X'6060' 62019 X'00')            +
          SEC(X'6061' 68006 X'09')             +
          MODE(COPY)                           +
          PACE(2)                              +
Note: For PPRC extended distance operations, replace PACE(2) and CRIT(YES) with OPTION(XD).