SDM API usage

As previously indicated, the SDM API may be used to invoke several different Advanced Copy Services functions. Even though there are several different functions that may be invoked, the SDM API macro of ANTRQST separates these functions into four different categories, each requiring a unique request type.

The ANTRQST macro must be specified with the required parameter of ILK. This parameter may be specified with one of four values. A value of ESSRVCS allows invocation of FlashCopy®, Global Mirror for ESS, and Metro/Global Mirror for ESS functions. A value of PPRC allows invocation of Metro Mirror for ESS, Global Copy for ESS, and Metro/Global Copy for ESS functions. A value of SNAPSHOT allows invocation of SnapShot functions. And a value of XRC allows invocation of Global Mirror for System z® functions.

In addition, the ANTRQST macro must be specified with the required parameter of REQUEST. This parameter indicates the specific type of request. The combination of an ILK value and a REQUEST value indicates the specific Advanced Copy Services function requested.