Creating automation scripts for integration

An automation script can customize the processing of integration messages for inbound and outbound transactions. You associate an automation script with an integration component, and you configure when to insert it into integration processing.


  1. In the Automation Scripts application, select the Create > Script for Integration action.
  2. Specify an integration component to associate with the automation script and then specify the insertion point for the script.
  3. Optional: Select the Activate check box if you want the script to be immediately active.
  4. Optional: Specify the logging level to apply when the script executes. For testing purposes, if you set the logging level to debug, the logs contain useful information that helps you troubleshoot any issues.
  5. Specify the scripting language of the script.
  6. Either enter the script directly into the Source Code field or browse to the location where the script is stored and click Import.
  7. Click Create.
