Viewing and deleting messages in a JMS queue

You can view a list of the messages in a JMS queues, download these messages to view their content, and you can delete messages from configured queues. When viewing or deleting messages, you can apply a selector to limit the messages returned for processing.

About this task

Messages that are currently being processed to a continuous queue by a message-driven bean or to a sequential queue by a JMS cron task are not available to view or delete. You can deactivate the cron task to stop the processing of messages to a sequential queue. Message-driven beans continually process messages and the number of messages being processed can vary. Unless you disable message-driven beans, it is likely that not all messages can be viewed or deleted. If you view or delete messages while message-driven beans are enabled, it is possible that not all messages are available for processing.


  1. In the External Systems application, select the Add/Modify Queues action .
  2. Select a queue, and click either the View Queue Data button or the Delete Queue Data button.
  3. Optional: If you select the View Queue Data option, you can specify a number in the Count field to limit the number of records to view and you can check the Count Only field if you only want to see how many messages are currently in the queue.
  4. Optional: Specify one of the following selectors if you want to filter the records returned in either the View Queue Data window or in the Delete Queue Data window:
    Option Description
    MEAMessageID ID of the message (applies to inbound and outbound messages).
    INTERFACE The name of the enterprise service for inbound messages or the name of the publish channel for outbound messages.
    destination The name of the external system for outbound queues only.
    SENDER The name of the external system for inbound messages only.
    USER The user provided with the message. This value is optional, and applies to inbound messages only.
    Selector values are case sensitive and you must enclose the value of the selector in single quotes, for example INTERFACE='MXPERSONInterface'.
