Reloading cron task instances

You use the Cron Task Setup application to reload instances of cron tasks.


  1. You must reload an instance only in certain situations. These are the possible situations under which you might need to reload an instance.
    Option Description
    Reload Request Not Required
    • When switching cron task from Active to Inactive.
    • Generally, do not submit a reload request after changing parameter values.
    Reload Request Required
    • When you change any other attributes on the crontask instance, such as schedule and runasuser.
    • If the parameter value is cached when crontask instance starts or reloads. Check the parameter field to see if this instance occurs.
  2. If a reload is required, select the Reload Request action.
  3. In the Reload Request window, select the instances that you want to reload.
  4. Click OK.
