Checking mobile device settings for the Sametime Proxy Server

The mobile device settings for the Sametime® Proxy Server ensure that it can connect to the Apple Push Notification service and its affiliated feedback service. They also determine if photos can be sent through iOS and Android devices.

Before you begin

Add the new server's IP address to the Community Server's list of trusted IP addresses.

Open ports to support iPhone clients.

About this task

The Apple Push Notification service sends iOS mobile users Sametime chat messages, meeting invitations, and announcements through the Sametime Proxy Server. By default, if Sametime is running in the background on a user’s mobile device, the Proxy Server holds messages in its database and prompts the Apple Push Notification service to let the user know there are messages waiting. The Proxy Server then sends the messages when the user is ready.


  1. Log in the Integrated Solutions Console.
  2. Click Sametime System Console > Sametime Servers > Sametime Proxy Server.
  3. In the Sametime Proxy Servers list, click Edit for the deployment name of the server with the mobile device information that you want to view.
  4. In the "Mobile device settings" section, ensure that the default settings are in place for the notification and feedback service host names and ports for iOS mobile users.

    Apple notification server:

    Apple notification server port: 2195

    Apple feedback service:

    Apple feedback service port: 2196

  5. For iOS mobile users, if you select Disable PUSH notification, Sametime logs out inactive users and discards their unviewed messages rather than holding them.
  6. For both iOS and Android mobile users, sending photos is allowed by default. Clear the check box if company policy or server load prohibits sending photos.
  7. Click OK if you made any changes.
  8. Restart the Sametime Proxy Server.