Connecting to instant messaging communities

Add instant messaging communities such as the AOL clearinghouse, AOL Instant Messenger, XMPP, and Office Communications Server to Sametime® Gateway Server.

About this task

When you set up a connection with AOL, you have the option of connecting with AOL users only, or connecting with the AOL clearinghouse community that includes AOL, ICQ, iChat, and other users from AOL Enterprise Federation Partner communities, including external Sametime communities. IBM® recommends that you do not configure both communities, as users served by the AOL clearinghouse are a superset of users served by the AOL community. If you set up AOL only, and later decide to connect with the AOL clearinghouse community, delete the AOL community first before adding the AOL clearinghouse community to Sametime Gateway.

Note: Sametime client users must use the Sametime client version 7.5 or later when exchanging instant messages and presence information with public instant messaging providers such as AOL Instant Messenger and Office Communications Server. Pre-7.5 clients are not licensed to connect with public instant messaging providers. The Sametime server will check and disable the Add external user checkbox if a client of an older version is used. It is the responsibility of the Sametime Gateway administrator to comply with the licensing agreement.