Configuring business cards using a native Domino Directory

This task demonstrates how to configure the business card using the native Domino® Directory.

Before you begin

  • IBM® Domino and IBM Sametime® Community Server must be installed and configured.
  • The Sametime Community Server must be registered in the Sametime System Console, and must be running.
  • Sametime authentication must be configured to use a Domino Directory.

About this task

Note: IBM recommends that you use a third party LDAP directory, and not Domino, because Domino does not have a standard field for photos (a jpegPhoto field). Using a third party LDAP directory avoids unnecessary replacement of the default jpegPhoto field.
Follow these steps to configure the Business Card to display data that is stored in a single data repository (a Domino Directory).


  1. Log in to the WebSphere® Integrated Solutions Console as the WebSphere administrator.
  2. Click Sametime System Console > Sametime Servers > Sametime Community Servers.
  3. In the Sametime Community Servers list, click the deployment name of the Community Server that has the business card information you want to update.
  4. Click the Business Card tab.
  5. In the Business Card Contents section, select the attribute you want displayed in users' business cards, and then click Add to include the selected attribute.

    To remove any preselected attribute, click the attribute and then click Remove.

  6. For Attribute Definition, choose Attribute Values that are appropriate for your deployment. If you prefer to map another attribute value to the attribute name instead of the default value, choose User Defined, and then enter a value for the attribute. The following table lists the default attribute value that is mapped to each attribute name.
    Table 1. Attribute names and values
    Attribute Name Attribute Value
    Address Location
    Company CompanyName
    Email address InternetAddress
    Name FirstName, MiddleInitial, LastName
    Telephone OfficePhoneNumber
    Title JobTitle
  7. Click OK.
  8. Additional configuration settings for the UserInformation service are stored in the UserInfoConfig.xml file. Open the UserInfoConfig.xml file in a text editor to verify that names and values match the attributes defined in the Sametime System Console. The file is located in the Domino program directory (\\domino\UserInfoConfig.xml). Here is a section of the UserInfoConfig file:
    <Storage type="NOTES">
         <Detail Id="Location" FieldName="Location" Type="text/plain"/>
         <Detail Id="Title" FieldName="JobTitle" Type="text/plain"/>
         <Detail Id="MailAddress" FieldName="InternetAddress" Type="text/plain"/>
         <Detail Id="Telephone" FieldName="OfficePhoneNumber" Type="text/plain"/>
         <Detail Id="Company" FieldName="CompanyName" Type="text/plain" />
         <Detail Id="Name" FieldName="FirstName,MiddleInitial,LastName" Type="text/plain"/>
    <Set SetId="0" params="MailAddress,Name,Title,Location,Telephone,Photo,Company"/>
    <Set SetId="1" params="MailAddress,Name,Title,Location,Telephone,Photo,Company"/>
        <BlackBox type="NOTES" name=""
  9. Restart the Domino server.

What to do next

There might be specific configurations where the names in the Domino directory include commas (,). By default, these special characters are treated as LDAP separators. In order to treat them as regular characters, add the following flag to UserInfoConfig.xml:
<UseUnformattedNotesNames />

The UserInformation service initially loads the configuration from UserInfoConfig.xml and then receives configuration updates from the Sametime System Console. However, there might be cases in which business cards should display data from attributes that cannot be configured in the Sametime System Console. In this case all business card configuration should be done in UserInfoConfig.xml and configuration updates from SSC should be disabled by adding the following tag to UserInfoConfig.xml

<ReadStConfigUpdates value="false"/>

This flag should be added before the <Resources> tag.

Restart the server for these settings to take affect.

An optional setting in UserInfoConfig.xml file lets you map a detail to more than one attribute. As a result, the returned value for a detail is composed of a list of attributes retrieved from the storage. You can do this by mapping an item to a comma-separated list of attributes.

<Detail Id="Telephone"  FieldName="telephoneNumber,mobile" Type="text/plain" />

The response can contain a list of values separated by any character chosen by the administrator. To apply the new separator, edit the UserInfoConfig.xml file.

  1. Open UserInfoConfig.xml in an editor.
  2. Choose the Detail tag that you want to use to retrieve a list of attributes.
  3. Complete the FieldName property with the list of attributes to retrieve, separated by commas.
  4. Add an additional property: DisplaySeparator. Set its value to the required character that should appear in the response XML between any 2 retrieved attributes values. For example, <Detail Id="Telephone" FieldName="telephoneNumber,mobile" Type="text/plain" DisplaySeparator="/"/>.
    Note: To ensure a correct display on iOS, use the / symbol as the displaySeparator.
  5. Log in to the Integrated Solutions Console.
  6. Click Sametime System Console > Sametime Servers > Sametime Community Servers.
  7. In the Sametime Community Servers list, click the deployment name of the server with the connectivity information that you want to change.
  8. Click the Business Card tab.
  9. Verify that the mapping of this detail (the Telephone detail in the example) is empty.
  10. Click OK.
  11. Restart the server.