Release notes

IBM®® Predictive Insights V1.3.6 is available. Read this document to find important installation information. You can also learn about product updates, compatibility issues, limitations, and known problems.



IBM Predictive Insights is real-time performance analysis software for business services.

Predictive Insights eliminates manual threshold and baseline configuration by providing a self-learning capability. By analyzing data from various sources and integrating with existing monitoring products, Predictive Insights learns the normal behavior of a business service and creates a performance model. When Predictive Insights predicts or detects anomalies, an alarm is generated.


The IBM® Predictive Insights announcement is available at See the announcement for the following information:
  • Detailed product description, including a description of new functions
  • Packaging and ordering details

New features in this release

Predictive Insights version 1.3.6 and its subsequent fixes offer the following new features and functions.

New product features and functions in Interim Fix 3

Interim Fix 3 includes the fixes from Interim Fixes 1 and 2. The following additional support is provided in Interim Fix 3. For a full list, see the README document that accompanies the interim fix.
  • Liberty version update for User Interface component security.
  • Java™ version update for User Interface component security.
  • IBM® Streams version update, including a Java version update for security.
  • Python version used with the REST Mediation Service. This update is required for security.
  • Spark version update for security.
  • A Cassandra version update for only functional defects, so not mandatory for upgrade, but better for clean-installs.
  • Updates to the integrated stdin probe library for better SSL support.
  • Updates to the license for newer version of Db2® in the Predictive Insights bundle.
  • Some improvements to the patch install scripts to:
    • handle disks with TB free space.
    • handle rollback and re-upgrade of Mediation Tool.
    • handle the case of User Interface upgrade by a user that does not have a JAVA_HOME value set.
  • A minor User Interface change to the default startTime in the AnomalySearch, affecting rare cases.
  • A minor User Interface defect fix, where a url similar to:
    doesn't show the baseline. To show the baseline, chartOnly is required to be set to true.
  • APAR IJ27017: a fix for filtered_alarms.txt, to ensure the anomalies are filtered and that do not have an associated full baseline.

New product features and functions in Interim Fix 2

Interim Fix 2 includes the fixes from Interim Fix 1. The following additional support is provided in Interim Fix 2. For a full list, see the README document that accompanies the interim fix.
  • New fixes for the patch script for the Analytics component
  • New fixes for the patch script for the User Interface component.
  • Liberty version update for User Interface component security.
  • Java version update for User Interface component security.
  • IBM Streams version update, including a Java version update for security.
  • Python version used with the REST Mediation Service. This update is required for security.
  • Spark version update for security.
  • REST Mediation Service update to match with the Spark updates, for security.
  • Various APAR, RFE, and other updates, as follows:
    • APAR IJ13975: Update to the REST Mediation Service, to exclude the jetty.xml, which caused problems for environments with no Internet access.
    • APAR IJ13542: Predictive Insights installer is dependent on the English locale.
    • APAR IJ20625: Prevents a daily gap in the data when using the REST Mediation Service.
    • APAR IJ17978: Some events raised by Predictive Insights are not appearing in IBM Performance Management.
    • APAR IJ17977: Some events not getting cleared from IBM Performance Management when they are cleared in Predictive Insights.
    • APAR IJ14900: Analytics fix to make the code more resilient to mistakes in filtered_alarms.text.
    • APAR IJ13096 - Prevents placement of a zero for expected value when there is no expected value.
    • RFE 135341: Improvements to disk space checking before applying this fix, for this RFE:
    • RFE 130862: Distributed Startup Scripts for RHEL7, for this RFE:
    • RFE 130851: Limiting the permissions on CSV files produced under $PI_HOME/var/, for this RFE:
    • New parameterized behavior to produce a robust bounds baseline even when large spikes have been seen in the data.
      Note: In order to minimize the impact on existing behavior, existing topics will have this new behavior disabled, but any new topics will have this new behavior enabled. To modify the behavior, use the following command:
      $PI_HOME/bin/ set -t=TOPIC system.extremeOutlierFlatCheck false
      Where TOPIC is the name of the topic.
    • Group names from REST data can have odd characters that do not work well in a Db2 table name. Code has been further updated to replace any non-alphabetic character with an underscore.
    • Prerequisite scanner update (post-install only) - so that will no longer find issues with packages that do not exist.
    • Updates to Mediation Tool to modify certain queries used during the deployment operation so that deployment is faster.
    • Updated the $PI_HOME/bin/ script.
    • User Interface fix, so that the REST API that pulls baseline data from Predictive Insights will avoid a failure scenario.
    • A space in a user group name does not work correctly in the addAccess and the removeAccess commands.

New product features and functions in Interim Fix 1

The following additional support is provided in Interim Fix 1.
  • In the run_extractor_instance command the REPLAY_RAW mode now works correctly.

  • New security fixes for the REST Mediation component.

  • New fixes for the Analytics component, including silent upgrade of IBM Streams to version

  • Security update for the UI component.

  • Fix to enable the UI component to open multiple tabs within JazzSM.

  • New script that checks for known security issues, and applies remediation.

  • A number of miscellaneous issues have been addressed. For a full list, see the README document that accompanies the interim fix.
    • The script update_memory option now works correctly and performs full directory cleanup.
    • The update script now skip topics that do not have a model.
    • Unusual characters in REST data group names are now replaced with an underscore. The characters that are replaced include the following: !, %, (, ), {, }.
    • Security updates for spark/cassandra/python versions, including the REST Mediation component.
    • The script for update_memory option fails with INTERNAL_ERROR: INTERNAL_ERROR[,Array index out of range: 3] error.
    • Update the script to skip topics with no model.
    • Group names from REST data can have odd characters that don't work well in a Db2 table name.
    • The cleanup script is not cleaning up directories - extracted merged etc because of different filesystems for PI_HOME and PI_HOME/var.
    • Chinese (non-English) locale causes nullPointerException.
    • Handle DECIMAL format for the timestamp column.
    • nullPointerException when filtered_alarms.txt is misconfigured.
    • Allow a mechanism to create a tighter baseline.
    • Allow a mechanism to stop sending child events.
    • A space in a user group name doesn't work right in the addAccess command.
    • Need to change pageInstanceRef for V1.3.6 to support JazzSM V1.1.3 CP6. The will update the pageInstanceRef as appropriate.
    • Penetration test - Input validation missing thus exposing Cross Site Scripting vulnerability. The will mitigate this issue.
    • Penetration test - Clickjacking issue. The will mitigate this issue.
    • Added documentation for kafka support in the REST Mediation service.

New product features and functions in version 1.3.6

Predictive Insights version 1.3.6 has the following new features:
  • There is a new REST Mediation Service to help you to load JSON data into Predictive Insights.
  • The configuration of maintenance windows that help you to ensure that data generated during these periods is not included in your analysis. You can also reduce the priority of alarms that are generated during maintenance windows.
  • Red Hat® Enterprise Linux® 7.x is now supported.

Compatibility with earlier versions

You can upgrade from Predictive Insights 1.3.3 iFix 3 to Predictive Insights 1.3.6.

You can also upgrade from Predictive Insights 1.3.5 to Predictive Insights 1.3.6.

If you use Tivoli® Integrated Portal with Predictive Insights 1.3.5, you can continue to use it after you upgrade to Predictive Insights 1.3.6. However, the Tivoli Integrated Portal integration is not supported for new installations of 1.3.6.

System requirements

The system requirements for Predictive Insights are listed on the IT Operations Analytics wiki for Predictive Insights under the section: IBM Operations Analytics Predictive Insights Requirements.

Media content

IBM Operations Analytics Predictive Insights, Version 1.3.6 consists of the following media:
  • Predictive Insights.
    • IBM Dojo Toolkit 1.8.2 - is automatically deployed when you install the Predictive Insights UI component.
    • WebSphere® Application Server Version Liberty Profile - is automatically deployed when you install the Predictive Insights UI component.
    • Blaze - is automatically deployed when you install the Predictive Insights UI component.
    • IBM Tivoli Netcool® Probes and Gateways 1 1x.1x.11x - is deployed automatically when you install the Predictive Insights analytics component.
    • Data Server Driver Package 11.1 - The Db2 JDBC driver is packaged and automatically deployed with each Predictive Insights component.
    • Eclipse SDK 4.4.2 - is deployed automatically when you install the Predictive Insights Mediation tool component.
    • Installation Manager 1.8.1 - is deployed when you install any Predictive Insights component if a version of Installation Manager has not already been installed by another product.
    • IBM Java SDK - is deployed automatically when you install Installation Manager.
    • IBM Java SDK - is deployed automatically when you install the Predictive Insights UI component for Dashboard Application Services Hub.
  • IBM Streams 4..2.0
    • IBM Java SDK - is deployed automatically when you install IBM Streams 4.2.0
  • IBM Jazz® for Service Management
    • IBM Dashboard Application Services Hub is bundled with IBMJazz for Service Management
  • IBM WebSphere Application Server - is deployed during the installation of Jazz for Service Management.
    • IBM Java 8 SR5 FP37 is deployed automatically when you install WebSphere Application Server
  • IBM Netcool/OMNIbus WebGUI
  • IBM Netcool/OMNIbus Core
    • IBM Java 8 SR5 FP40 - is deployed automatically when you install OMNIbus core
  • IBM Db2 11.5.4
    • IBM Java 8.0 SR5 FP35 - is deployed automatically when you install IBM Db2

Installing Predictive Insights

If you download the product from IBM Passport Advantage®, follow the directions in the download document at Downloading Predictive Insights.

For installation instructions, see Installing.

Updates, limitations, and known problems

Documentation updates, limitations, and known problems are documented as individual technotes in the Support knowledge base at As problems are discovered and resolved, IBM Software Support updates the knowledge base. By searching the knowledge base, you can find workarounds or solutions to problems.

For the latest list of updates, which might include additional items, see the Support knowledge base at

At the time of publication, the following issues were known:

Unable to deploy multiple file data sources to the same topic if the Calculate KPI Count check box is enabled
Symptom: If you attempt to deploy multiple file data sources to the same topic when the Calculate KPI Count check box is enabled, the deployment fails. You see an error similar to the following in the Mediation log:
mediation.model.validate.ModelValidationException: KPI Count = 72

Resolution: In the Predictive Insights Model Deployment dialog, clear the Calculate KPI Count check box before you click OK to deploy the model.

In the anomaly search tree table view, child anomalies are not distinguished from parent anomalies in Microsoft Internet Explorer

Symptom: In Tivoli Integrated Portal, the + sign and - sign, which are used to expand and collapse parent anomalies, are not displayed in the anomaly search tree table view.

Cause: In Tivoli Integrate Portal, Microsoft Internet Explorer sometimes defaults to Internet Explore 7 emulation mode, which is incorrect.

Resolution: Complete the following steps to change the emulation mode in Microsoft Internet Explorer:
  1. Press F12 to open the Developers Tools pane.
  2. Select Emulation.
  3. In the Document mode drop-down, select a value higher than 7.
Cannot mediate data that has epoch time stamps when the data type of the time stamp is set to Number in the Mediation tool.

Symptom: When you deploy a model, the KPI count shows a value of zero and no data is extracted when you run extraction.

Resolution: Complete the following steps:

  1. In the Mediation tool, open the Model Properties tab.
  2. In the Model Objects pane, expand Model and expand the metric group.
  3. Under the metric group, select Timestamp.
  4. In the Model Object Properties pane, click the Number value in the Data Type field.
  5. In the drop-down list box, select Integer.
  6. Repeat steps 2 to 5 for each metric group.
  7. Save and redeploy the model.
Note: When you redeploy the model, you see the following message: Timestamp format, currently integer, is invalid for Timestamp Component. You can ignore this message and choose OK to deploy the model.
Extraction errors occur when prepared statements disabled for MYSQL database source
Symptom: When you execute the run_extractor_instance command, you see errors similar to the following: 
Caused by: 
at (
Caused by:
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Use of Statement not supported

Cause: Prepared statements are disabled for the data source.

Resolution: Complete the following steps

  1. In the Mediation Tool, open the model that contains the MYSSQL database source.
  2. Click the Connection Details tab.
  3. Click the Use Prepared Statement check box.
  4. From the menu bar, choose File > Save.
  5. To redeploy the model, from the menu bar, choose Predictive Insights > Deploy Model.

Installation Manager crashes

Cause: There was insufficient disk space for the Installation Manager to complete the installation.

Resolution: Increase the amount of free disk space on the server.

The prerequisite scanner shows incorrect results

Symptom: The prerequisite scanner returns a fail result incorrectly for:

  • The PortsInUse:50000 property if port 50000 is in use. The scanner expects port 50000 to be unused.

Resolution: You can ignore these incorrectly reported failures.

Consolidated alarm shows a different number of children than mentioned in the summary when opened using ViewChildAlarms

Symptom: The number of child alarms shown when using the ViewChildAlarms function is different to the number specified in the summary.

Cause: This can occur when the system.alarm.autoclear property is set to false.

Resolution: Set the system.alarm.autoclear property to ‘true.

Consolidated events cannot be displayed in the User Interface if the node name contains an apostrophe

Symptom: A consolidate event cannot be displayed in the User Interface.

Cause: The node name in the consolidated event contains an apostrophe.

Resolution: Open child alarms either individually or collectively.

Resources cannot be searched for in Anomaly Search if the resource name contains an apostrophe

Symptom: A Resource name cannot be searched for in Anomaly Search if the resource name contains an apostrophe.

Resolution: Search on the time stamp instead of the resource name.

Extractor instance crashes due to insufficient memory

Symptom: The Extractor instance crashes due to insufficient memory.

Cause: Failure to set the DATABASE_MEMORY parameter for the Db2 database may leave insufficient memory for the Analytics component.

Resolution: On a server that has both Db2 and the Analytics component installed, ensure that the Db2 DATABASE_MEMORY parameter is set and that the value of this parameter is included when calculating the overall memory requirements for the server. For more information on how to set the DATABASE_MEMORY parameter, see

Error validating Jazz installation
Symptom: The following error is displayed when the Jazz installation is being validated:
ls: cannot access /home/scadmin/IBM/JazzSM/profile/bin/ No such file or directory
Directory /home/scadmin/IBM/JazzSM does not appear to be Jazz Home

Cause: The Jazz Profile was created in a separate folder to the Jazz installation folder.

Resolution: Review the folder locations supplied in the DASH parameters section of the UI install process, supplying the correct paths for both JazzSM and the JazzSM profile folder.

Executing run_extractor_instance doesn’t extract data

Symptom: When you execute run_extractor_instance, no data is extracted.

Cause: The location of a file system data source is set with a relative path in the Mediation Tool.

Resolution: Replace the relative path to the file system data source with an absolute path.

ERR_EXTRACTION_PREVIEW_FAILED error when attempting to preview data for a metric group

Symptom: ERR_EXTRACTION_PREVIEW_FAILED error when attempting to preview data for a metric group that is defined against a MSSQL database table.

Resolution: When specifying the connection details for a database data source, enter the database name in both the Database and Schema fields in the Connection Details dialog.

Error occurs in the Mediation tool when performing an extraction preview for a metric group
2013-04-03 09:54:58.649 !MESSAGE Unexpected Exception !STACK 0
java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerGet( at

Cause: Your computer might have gone into hibernate mode while the Predictive Insights Mediation Tool was open. When you start your computer and try to do a metric group content preview this error occurs.

Resolution: Restart the Mediation Tool

Separate data sources cannot contain metric groups with the same name

Symptom: When you deploy a new data source model, you get a message stating that the Model validation failed. The details of the error message state that metrics of the same name are defined for more than one data source.

Cause: The Operations Analytics Predictive Insights validation requires that all metric groups are unique to a data source.

Resolution: If you have two or more data sources that contain metric groups with the same name, then you will need to rename the metric groups so that they are unique for each data source.

Timeouts in the Mediation log

Symptom: When processing data in backlog mode, mediation processing stops and there is a timeout error in the Mediation log, PI_HOME/log/<topic>/Analytics<topic>_log_DataSourceOperator.log.

Resolution: If mediation is suspended for training and you only see one instance of the ERR_EXTR_TIMEOUT_STOP error and there are no subsequent ERR_EXTR_TIMEOUT_CANCEL errors, which indicate that Mediation has permanently stopped, you can ignore this error. When training completes, mediation automatically resumes. If mediation does not resume, see the resolution for addressing timeouts in the mediation log in the following known issue below.

Timeouts in the Mediation log

Symptom: Mediation processing has stopped and there is a ERR_EXTR_TIMEOUT in the PI_HOME/log/<topic>/Analytics<topic>_log_DataSourceOperator.log , log file

Cause: This can occur when processing backlog data in an undersized system, or a system that has a set of metric groups with large variation in sizes.

Resolution: If you are still processing backlog mode data, re-start the data processing. To re-start the data processing from the point where it stopped, enter the following command:

$PI_HOME/bin/ run_extractor_instance -l=<latency> 

You only need to specify the -l parameter if mediation switches into steady-state mode. Optionally, you can specify an end time.

If you are extracting data in steady-state mode when the ERR_EXTR_TIMEOUT message occurs, contact IBM support.

Note: If the ERR_EXTR_TIMEOUT message is seen repeatedly after restarting the data processing, then look for the latest interval for any metric group in the $PI_HOME/var/spool/topics/<topic>/extracted folder. In this case, you might need to start the data processing beginning with the next interval. This can drop up to 10 intervals of data for some metric groups. You will see the data that was dropped in the …/extracted/bad folder after your run:
$PI_HOME/bin/ run_extractor_instance -s=<start time> -l=<latency>

Optionally, you can specify an end time.

You only need to specify the -l parameter if mediation switches into steady-state mode. The start time, as stated, should be for the next interval that does not have any data in the extracted folder.

Probe process continually displays as defunct
Symptom: The probe process continually displays as defunct when you execute:
ps -ef | grep nco_p_stdin
Resolution 1: Enter the following commands to run the probe manually so you can check the output returned:
cd $PI_HOME/probe/omnibus/probes/

If the output returned shows an error similar to the following, complete the following steps:

error while loading shared libraries: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64
  1. To ensure that /usr/lib64:/usr/lib is part of the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable, enter the following command:
  2. To verify that the prerequisite packages are installed, enter the following command:
    ls /usr/lib*/[56]
    The output lists the following four files:
    • /usr/lib64/
    • /usr/lib64/
    • /usr/lib/
    • /usr/lib/

    If all of these files are not listed, ensure that you install all prerequisites.

Note: If you see the following warning when you run the probe manually, it should run successfully when executed by the system. However, you may first need to manually kill the defunct processes.
Warning: W-ETC-004-066: Failed to load properties file 
No such file or directory.
Resolution 2: Run the configure_omnibus command against the ObjectServer to which the Analytics component should forward events if:
  • forwarding to an OMNIbus ObjectServer was not configured when the Analytics component was installed.
  • the Analytics component is not configured to forward events to the correct ObjectServer.

Setting the OMNIbus NCHOME variable can result in errors
Symptom: This environment variable specifies the home location for Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus. If the NCHOME variable is set:
  • The probe might point to the wrong location and not run.
  • No Predictive Insights alarms appear in the AEL.
  • You might see that the nco_p_stdin process on the Analytics component server has a defunct status.

Resolution: If OMNIbus and the Predictive Insights Analytics component are on the same server and owned by the same user, do not set this variable. For more information, search for Setting Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus environment variables (UNIX and Linux) in the IBM Knowledge Center.

Error message when connecting to a datasource
Symptom: The following information messages might be seen in the Mediation tool when you add a datasource:
INFO Cannot connect to datasource [,
ConnectionException: ERR_DB_COULD_NOT_CONNECT]
INFO Unable to connect to a datasource, Loading default configuration ERR_CONFIG_INST_NOT_FOUND

Cause: These messages are displayed by default the first time that you connect to any datasource.

Resolution: These messages can be ignored.

Warnings in Installation logs
Symptom: The following warning can be seen when you view the installation logs in Installation Manager.
“Warning : : No “conClass” attribute in “panel” element of panel”
20150607 17:48:10 : echo password XXXXXX
/tmp/runCmdInsatller1433717290215_44: line 4: unexpected EOF while 
looking for matching `”
/tmp/runCmdInsatller1433717290215_44: line 5: syntax error: unexpected 
end of file

Resolution: These warnings can be safely ignored

Launchpad for Jazz for Service Management does not work in Firefox releases later than Version 38
To install Jazz for Service Management, you use the launchpad. However, the launchpad does not work with versions later than Firefox 38 ESR. Download Firefox 38 ESR to ensure that you can use the launchpad.
The Analytics component is not processing data that is in Cassandra
Symptom: Data is sent to the REST Mediation Service successfully. The data flow for the topic has started on the Analytics server. However, no merged files are created in the $PI_HOME directory for the Topic. The DataSourdceOperator.log file for the topic shows rows read:0 with no errors. The clqsh command in Cassandra shows the following:


Python Cassandra driver not installed, or not on PYTHONPATH.
You might try pip install cassandra-driver.

Python: /usr/local/bin/python
Module load path: ['/opt/IBM/apache-cassandra-3.10/bin/../lib/', 
'/opt/IBM/apache-cassandra-3.10/bin', '/opt/IBM/InfoSphere_Streams/', 
'/usr/local/lib/', '/usr/local/lib/python2.7', '/usr/local/lib/python2.7/plat-linux2', '/usr/local/lib/python2.7/lib-tk', 
'/usr/local/lib/python2.7/lib-old', '/usr/local/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload', '/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages']

Error: can't decompress data; zlib not available
To resolve this error, complete the following steps:
  1. Log in to the Analytics server as a root user.
  2. Enter the following command:
    yum install zlib-devel bzip2-devel openssl-devel ncurses-devel sqlite-devel
  3. Change directory to /opt/IBM/predictiveInsightsInstaller1.3.6/REST_Mediation_utility/Python-2.7.13:
    cd /opt/IBM/predictiveInsightsInstaller1.3.6/REST_Mediation_utility/Python-2.7.13
  4. Enter the configure command if you have not done so already.
  5. Enter the make command:
  6. Enter the make install command:
    make install
After you complete these steps, enter the cqlsh command again and check that it works properly.
No results are displayed in the metric group preview in the Mediation Tool
Symptom: You set up a metric group and use the preview feature. The Data Extraction preview dialog box is displayed. However, no results are displayed. This issue usually occurs if the metric names are stored in rows rather than columns.

Resolution: To resolve this issue, increase the number of rows to 2000. To do this, right-click on the Data Extraction dialog box and select 2000 from the list. You need to wait for a time to allow the query to retrieve the data.

If the query does not retrieve the data, manually review the metric group and how it is configured for resources, attributes, and the timestamp format. If the metric group configuration is correct, create a test topic and extract a small amount of data that you are sure exists in the source. You can verify that the data is extracted by checking the CSV files in the $PI_HOME/var/spool/topics/<topic>/extracted/ directory. <topic> is the name of the topic that you created.

Problems solved in this release

The following APARs are resolved in Predictive Insights 1.3.6:



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