Installing IBM MobileFirst Platform Operational Analytics for Apache Tomcat

To configure Apache Tomcat for MobileFirst Operational Analytics manually, you must copy WAR files to Tomcat, edit the server.xml file, add the required users, and start Tomcat..

  1. Edit the file tomcat_install_dir/conf/tomcat-users.xml.
    1. Add the security roles:
      <role rolename="worklightadmin"/>
      <role rolename="worklightdeployer"/>
      <role rolename="worklightmonitor"/>
      <role rolename="worklightoperator"/>
    2. Add roles to the selected users, for example:
      <user name="admin" password="admin" roles="worklightadmin"/>
      Note: You can define the set of users as described in the Apache Tomcat documentation, at Realm Configuration HOW-TO.
  2. Edit the file tomcat_install_dir/conf/server.xml:
    1. Uncomment the following element, which is initially commented out, or add the element if it is not present:
      <!-- SingleSignOn valve, share authentication between web applications. Documentation at:>
      <Valve className ="org.apache.catalina.authenticator.SingleSignOn"/>
    2. Declare the MobileFirst Operational Analytics Services and the MobileFirst Operational Analytics Console, as well as a user registry:
      <!-- Declare the MobileFirst Operational Analytics Service application. -->
      <Context docBase ="analytics-service" path ="/analytics-service">
        <!-- Declare the JNDI environment entries for the MobileFirst Operational Analytics Service. -->
        <Environment name ="analytics/masternodes" value ="hostname:9600" type ="java.lang.String" override ="false"/>
      <!-- Declare the MobileFirst Operational Analytics Console application. -->
      <Context docBase ="analytics" path ="/analytics"></Context>
      <!-- Declare the user registry for the IBM Application Center. The MemoryRealm recognizes the users defined in conf/tomcat-users.xml. For other choices, see Apache Tomcat's "Realm Configuration HOW-TO" . -->
      <Realm className ="org.apache.catalina.realm.MemoryRealm"/>
      Note: You must change the value of the JNDI property analytics/masternodes to reflect the host name or IP address of the machine on which you are installing MobileFirst Operational Analytics. By default, the port for ElasticSearch is 9600.
  3. Copy the analytics-service.war file to tomcat_install_dir/webapp by using the following commands, according to your operating system.
    • On UNIX and Linux systems:
      cp product_install_dir/Analytics/analytics-service.war tomcat_install_dir/webapps
    • On Windows systems:
      copy /B product_install_dir\Analytics\analytics-service.war tomcat_install_dir\webapps\analytics-service.war
  4. Copy the analytics-ui.war file to tomcat_install_dir/webapp and rename the file to analytics.war by using the following commands, according to your operating system.
    • On UNIX and Linux systems:
      cp product_install_dir/Analytics/analytics-service.war tomcat_install_dir/webapps/analytics.war
    • On Windows systems:
      copy /B product_install_dir\Analytics\analytics-ui.war tomcat_install_dir\webapps\analytics.war