Installing CLI

Follow these instructions to install IBM MobileFirst™ Platform Command Line Interface (CLI).

Before you begin

You must have the Java™ Developer Kit (JDK) installed on your machine to use the CLI. Additionally, certain operating systems require certain software as a prerequisite. To generate a compatibility report, see Software Product Compatibility Reports.

You must have the JAVA_HOME environment variable set to your JDK directory. For example:
  • Windows: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_60
  • Mac OSX: /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.7.0_67.jdk/Contents/Home


Go to the IBM® Developer Center - Install the Command Line Interface and complete the necessary steps to download the CLI package.
Note: If you are installing in silent mode, installing for Windows 8.1, or performing a console installation, complete only steps 1-3 in the IBM Developer Center - Install the Command Line Interface.