Query parameters

The following parameters can be used with queries.

Table 1. Query parameters
Parameter Details and examples of parameters that can be added to queries
approver This parameter is used to query items with a specific approver. A user ID must be specified when this parameter is used.
For example:
authoringtemplateid This parameter is used to query items with a specific authoring template ID.
For example:
author This parameter is used to query items with a specific author. A user UID must be specified when this parameter is used.
For example:
categoryid This parameter is used to query items with a specific category ID.
For example:
createdafter This parameter is used to query items that are created after a specific date and time.
For example:
createdbefore This parameter is used to query items that are created before a specific date and time.
For example:
creator This parameter is used to query items with a specific creator. A user UID must be specified when this parameter is used.
For example:
dateformat This parameter is used to define the date format of query parameters.
For example:
If a date format not specified, then the default format yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssz is used.
depth This parameter is used with the parentid and is used to define whether to search for all descendants of a parent, or just the immediate children of a parent item.
For example, to query only the immediate children of an item, you add &depth=CHILDREN to the query:
To query all descendants of an item, you add &depth=DESCENDANTS to the query:
expireafter This parameter is used to query items that are expired after a specific date and time.
For example:
expirebefore This parameter is used to query items that were expired before a specific date and time.
For example:
id This parameter is used to query an item with a specific ID.
For example:
keyword This parameter is used to query items that are profiled with a specific keyword.
For example:
lastmodifiedafter This parameter is used to query items that were last modified after a specific date and time.
For example:
lastmodifiedbefore This parameter is used to query items that were last modified before a specific date and time.
For example:
lastmodifier This parameter is used to query items that were last modified by a specific user. A user UID must be specified when this parameter is used.
For example:
libraryid This parameter is used to query items that are stored in a specific library.
For example:
namelike This parameter is used as a wildcard query for items with names like the specified namelike parameter.
For example:
Note: Libraries cannot be queried by using this parameter.
name This parameter is used to query an item with a specific name.
For example:
Note: Libraries cannot be queried by using this parameter.
owner This parameter is used to query items with a specific owner. A user UID must be specified when this parameter is used.
For example:
pagesize This parameter is used to restrict the number of items that are returned by a query to a set number. It can be used with the page parameter to return specific pages of results.
For example, to restrict the number of queries to be returned to 5:
page This parameter is used with the pagesize parameter to define what set of results to display. For example, if pagesize is set to 5, and the page parameter is set to 2, then only results 6 - 10 are displayed.
For example:
parentid This parameter is used to query items that are the children of a specific parent item.
For example:

You can use the depth parameter to define whether to search for all descendants of a parent, or just the immediate children of a parent item.

projectid This parameter is used to query items that are linked to a specific project.
For example:
projectstate This parameter is used to query items that are linked to a project with a specific state. The following values can be used with this parameter:
For example, to query items that are linked to projects with a state of "active" you would use the following query:
publishafter This parameter is used to query items that are published after a specific date and time.
For example:
publishbefore This parameter is used to query items that were published before a specific date and time.
For example:
sort The sort parameter is appended to queries to determine how query results are sorted. The following values can be used with the sort parameter.
  • author
  • created
  • modified
  • name
  • title
  • parents
  • position

The values _ascending or _descending are appended to the query to determine sort order.

For example, to sort a presentation template query in ascending order of creation, you would use:
To sort a presentation template query in descending order of creation, you would use:
If _ascending or _descending are not specified, the results as displayed in ascending order.
state This parameter is used to query items that are in a specific state. The following values can be used with this parameter:
For example:
titlelike This parameter is used as a wildcard query for items with titles like the specified titlelike parameter.
For example:
title This parameter is used to query an item with a specific title.
For example:
type This parameter is used to query items of a specific item type.
For example, to query a list of components:
workflowid This parameter is used to query items that use a specific workflow.
For example:
workflowstageid This parameter is used to query items that are currently active within a specific workflow stage.
For example:

How to use multiple parameters

  • Multiple instances of the same parameter type in a query can be specified only as "OR" queries, with the following exceptions:
    Only one value allowed
    Only one instance of the following parameters can be used in a single query. If multiple instances are used, only the first instance is used by the query:
    • categoryid
    • dateformat
    • depth
    • page
    • pagesize
    "AND" queries allowed
    The following queries can be used as "AND" queries:
    • createdafter
    • createdbefore
    • expireafter
    • expirebefore
    • lastmodifiedafter
    • lastmodifiedbefore
    • publishafter
    • publishbefore
    Sort values
    Sort values are comma-separated. For example: