Changing the theme logo in the Simple Theme

You can change the theme logo to customize your portal site and reflect your business or brand.

Before you begin

Download IBM Digital Experience File Sync on Github. Then, learn more about using DXSync to edit theme files by reading Editing static theme resources and connecting with DXSync.

About this task

By default, the Simple Theme uses SVG images, but other image formats are supported.


  1. Download your theme files by using DXSync.
  2. Upload your new logo to a folder in the theme, such as fs-type1/themes/YourTheme/css/images.
  3. Open the theme template in the root theme folder, fs-type1/themes/YourTheme/theme.html.
  4. Locate the following code string: <svg class="stLogo" role="img" aria-label="IBM Digital Experience"> <title>IBM Digital Experience</title> <use xlink:href="#stBee"></use> </svg>.
  5. Replace the code string in Step 4 with the following code string: <img alt="Logo" src="css/images/YourLogo.png">, where YourLogo.png is the name of the logo you uploaded to the theme.
  6. Save the file.


The default logo is replaced by your custom logo.