Changing the auto-loading of portlet capabilities with XMLAccess

You can change the auto-loading of portlet capabilities with XMLAccess


  1. Export the theme. You can export all themes that are defined for WebSphere® Portal with the following script, or insert the specific theme object ID you want to export.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PortalConfig_8.5.0.xsd" type="export"
        <portal action="locate">
           <theme action="export" objectid="*" />
  2. Modify the value of the resourceaggregation.autoLoadPortletCapabilities parameter to true or false, or add the parameter if it does not exist. For example:
    <parameter name="resourceaggregation.autoLoadPortletCapabilities" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[true]]></parameter>
  3. Import the XML file with the command line or Import XML.
  4. Restart WebSphere Portal.