Changing the logo action

You can change the default action of a logo to take users to different pages in your portal.

The default logo action takes users to your portal home page. The logo can complete three other actions:
  • The logo can take users to the first child page.
  • The logo can take users to another portal page with the unique ID of that page.
  • The logo can take users to another portal page with the vanity URL of that page.
Taking users to the first child page
Remove the default code and replace it with the following code :
<%-- Logo --%>
		<span class="wpthemeBranding">
		<portal-core:lazy-set var="showHiddenPages" elExpression=="wp.publicRenderParam['{}hiddenPages']" />
		<portal-logic:if deviceClass="smartphone/tablet">
			<c:set var="isMobile" value="true"/>
	    <c:set var="homeNodeFound" value="false"/>
		<c:forEach var="node" items="${wp.navigationModel.children[selectionPath[1]]}" varStatus="childrenStatus">
          <c:set var="isHiddenPage" value="${node.metadata[''] || (isMobile && node.metadata[''])}" />
          <c:if test="${!homeNodeFound && (!isHiddenPage || showHiddenPages)}">
			<c:set var="nodeID" value="${wp.identification[node]}"/>
       	    <a class="wpthemeBrandingLink" href="?uri=nm:oid:${nodeID}" alt="<portal-fmt:out>${node.title}</portal-fmt:out>">
			<img src="" alt="<portal-fmt:text key="theme.ibmLogo" bundle="nls.commonUI"/>">
		    <span class="wpthemeAltText"><portal-fmt:text key="theme.ibmLogo" bundle="nls.commonUI"/></span>
	        <c:set var="homeNodeFound" value="true"/>
Taking users to another portal page with its unique ID
Remove the following line of default code:
<a class="wpthemeBrandingLink" href="?uri=nm:oid:${nodeID}" alt="<portal-fmt:out>${node.title}</portal-fmt:out>">
Replace it with the following code snippet, where the value of contentNode is replaced with the unique name of the page:
<portal-navigation:urlGeneration contentNode="ibm.portal.Home.Welcome" >
       	    <a class="wpthemeBrandingLink" href="<% wpsURL.write(escapeXmlWriter); %>" alt="">
Taking users to another portal page with its vanity URL
Remove the following line of default code:
<a class="wpthemeBrandingLink" href="?uri=nm:oid:${nodeID}" alt="<portal-fmt:out>${node.title}</portal-fmt:out>">
Replace it with the following code snippet, where host, port, and contextroot are substituted with your actual values and where Home is replaced with the vanity URL of your page:
<a class="wpthemeBrandingLink" href="http://host:port/contextroot/vanityurl/Home" alt="">