Configuring how to handle portlets that a user is not authorized to view

Specify how you want the portal to display portlets that a user is not authorized to view with the Global Settings portlet.

About this task

Note: The Global Settings portlet does not work in portal cluster configurations.


  1. Click the Administration menu icon. Then, click Portal Settings > Global Settings.
  2. Make a selection from the field If a user is not authorized to view a portlet:
    Portlet is not displayed
    Choose this option if you want nothing to display.
    Portlet is not displayed, replaced by an informative message
    Choose this option if you want a message to be displayed instead of the portlet.
  3. Click Save.


If you have a portal cluster configuration, use the WebSphere® Integrated Solutions Console to set the property portlets.unauthorized.visible in the portal Configuration Service.