Web content testing environments

This environment is used by your testers and can be as simple as an individual server where site and content updates can be tested before being syndicated to the delivery environment, or as complex as complete replica of your delivery environment where testing can occur to both review site and content updates, and to test the performance of your delivery environment. It can also be used to accumulate changes from your authoring environment before syndicating your changes to your delivery environment in a single batch.

Site testing within an authoring environment

When testing within an authoring environment a testing server is paired with an authoring server. The testing server simulates the delivery environment and is used to test major changes to a website. You can add a testing environment to your authoring environment to enable user acceptance testing to be performed on your content management system and your website:

Testing, authoring, and delivery system graphic

System testing within a staging environment

When testing within a staging environment, data from the authoring environment is syndicated to a staging server where user acceptance testing is performed. If all tests are passed, data is then syndicated from the staging server to the delivery environment. You can perform system testing on a replica of your delivery environment before syndicating your changes to the live delivery environment:

Staging environment graphic