Configuring Session Security Integration

IBM® WebSphere® Application Server protects your session from access by other users. In IBM WebSphere Portal, this feature of the underlying Application Server is disabled by default. You might be able to activate this feature under most conditions.

About this task

WebSphere Application Server Session Manager integration with Security (or just session security) is a feature of the WebSphere Application Server Session Manager withinWebSphere Portal. When active, this feature marks a session as owned by the first user that accesses a session that is not already marked as owned. If a session is already marked as owned, it checks that the owner is the same as the current user. If not, rather than granting access to the session, at minimum a message with identifier SESN0008E is logged and access to the session is not granted. In some cases, an UnauthorizedSessionRequestException is thrown, with message SESN0008E as the cause. This message indicates the owner of the session and what identity tried to access it. The identity displays as anonymous if no identity exists. In this way, session security protects against access to a session owned by user A by either user B or by an anonymous user.
Note: There is also a related extra feature, which is known in WebSphere Application Server as Use available authentication. When active, this feature causes WebSphere Application Server to set up a security context for a request even if the URL targeted by that request does not have a security constraint that is configured on it. This setting prevents spurious instances of messages and exceptions from the session security code that is caused by applications that mix authenticated access to both protected URLs (such as the /myportal URL of WebSphere Portal) and unprotected URLs (such as /portal).
In the base WebSphere Application Server version 8, this session security feature was set to be active by default. In prior releases of WebSphere Application Server, it was inactive by default. However, WebSphere Portal explicitly deactivated this feature because it conflicted with a WebSphere Portal function. This conflict is resolved in WebSphere Portal and later.

If you are running WebSphere Portal or later, including CF07 on WebSphere Application Server 8.5.5, you can reactivate this WebSphere Application Server session security feature. Generally, this is recommended by the WebSphere Application Server Security Hardening documentation.

If you are running WebSphere Portal, we strongly recommend that you upgrade to and the most recent CF level. There are important fixes, including fixes for security vulnerabilities, that are included in the newer service levels.

If you are unable to upgrade from WebSphere Portal, you can still reactivate this WebSphere Application Server session security feature under most circumstances. You can activate session security unless you are specifically using the preview Managed Pages as an anonymous user function. In that case, you should not activate session security on your authoring environment. If your authoring and rendering is done on separate servers, you can activate session security on your rendering server because no preview is done there.

To use session security and Use Available Authentication, you must enable them on the WebSphere Application Server admin console.


  1. To activate session security, complete the following steps:
    1. In the WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console, click ServersServer TypesWebSphere Application Servers.
    2. Select WebSphere Portal.
    3. Expand the Web Container Settings. Then, click Web Container.
    4. Click Session Management.
    5. Select Security Integration.
    6. Save your changes.
  2. Complete the following steps to enable WebSphere Application Server to create a security context on requests to unprotected URIs if valid credentials such as an LtpaToken or LtpaToken2 cookie are available on the request:
    1. In the WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console, click Security > Global Security.
    1. Expand Web and SIP security. Then, click General Settings.
    2. Select Use available authentication data when an unprotected URI is accessed.
    3. Save your changes.