Enabling new functionality in the Person menu

Migrating from an earlier version of IBM® WebSphere® Portal does not upgrade the Person Card. To take advantage of new Person Card functionality that was introduced in Version 7.0, you must complete additional steps after migration is complete.


  1. Select the appropriate console, depending on your environment:
    • If running stand-alone, use the local WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console.
    • If running in a cluster, use the WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console on the Deployment Manager.
  2. Access the WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console by entering the URL in the location field of a web browser:


    where example.com is the name of your server and admin_port is the port assigned to the WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console.

  3. In the navigation, click Resources > Resource Environment > Resource Environment Providers.
  4. Set the scope by selecting Node={nodename},Server=WebSphere_Portal from the drop-down list.
  5. Create a new resource environment provider:
    1. Click New.
    2. In the Name box, type WP PeopleServe . Be sure to include a blank space before and after WP PeopleServe.
    3. Click Apply.
  6. Under Additional Properties, click Custom Properties.
  7. Specify a new property:
    1. Click New.
    2. Set the values as shown in the following table:
      Table 1. Defining values for personTagTimeout
      Property Value
      Name personTagTimeout
      Value 1500
      Description This property sets the amount of time that the Person menu displays.
      Type java.lang.String
    3. Click Apply and then Save.
  8. Specify a new property:
    1. Click New.
    2. Set the values as shown in the following table:
      Table 2. Defining values for collapsedBCardItems
      Property Value
      Name collapsedBCardItems
      Value cn,departmentNumber,ibm-jobTitle,telephoneNumber
      Description This property lists the attributes that should display in the collapsed business card.
      Type java.lang.String
    3. Click Apply and Save.
  9. Specify a new property:
    1. Click New.
    2. Set the values as shown in the following table:
      Table 3. Defining values for expandedBCardItems
      Property Value
      Name expandedBCardItems
      Value ibm-primaryEmail,employeeNumber,pager,homePostalAddress,street, stateOrProvinceName,postalCode,countryName
      Note: This value must be entered all in one line without spaces.
      Description This property lists the attributes that should display in the expanded business card.
      Type java.lang.String
    3. Click Apply and Save.
  10. Restart the portal server.