Properties for the dialog tag widget in the default user interface

View the properties for the dialog tag widget in the default user interface. = (false)  
Use this property to specify whether the count of each community tag is displayed. The count shows how often the tag has been applied by users. The default value is false . To have the count of each community tag displayed, specify true . The count is then displayed in parentheses.  
Use this property to specify a non-localized label shown for the text field that users use to add new tags. Example: Type your tag here: . Non-localized means that the label does not change with the browser language. This property has no default value.  
Use this property to specify a custom string that you want to be shown as the header text in the user interface for tags in the community section. Example: Community tags for resource XYZ . This property has no default value.  
Use this property to specify a custom string that you want to be shown as the header text in the user interface for tags in the personal private section. Example: Personal private tags for resource XYZ . This property has no default value.  
Use this property to specify a custom string that you want to be shown as the header text in the user interface for tags in the personal public section. Example: Personal public tags for resource XYZ . This property has no default value.  
Use this property to specify a non-localized label that you want to be displayed when no community tags are available. This property has no default value.  
Use this property to specify a non-localized label that you want to be displayed when no personal tags are available. This property has no default value. = (PUBLIC)  
Use this property to specify which view tab is preselected by default, Public or Private. The default is PUBLIC . The other possible value is PRIVATE . = (true)  
Use this property to determine whether a user can delete the user's personal tags. The default value is true . = (true)  
Use this property to determine whether you want the tabs for switching between private and public tagging to be displayed to users. The default is true . Change this to false only if you deactivate private tagging by setting the property to false . = (50)
Use this property to specify the maximum number of community tags shown in the community view. Specify a numeric value. The default value is 50 . This limit is a display limitation of the widget, not a functional limitation.
Note: Increasing this value can impact the performance of the tagging widget. = (50)
Use this property to specify the maximum number of personal tags that a user can assign to one resource. Specify a numeric value. The default value is 50 . This limit applies separately to each, personal public and personal private tags. In other words, the default of 50 allows 50 public and 50 private tags per resource. This limit is a display limitation of the widget, not a functional limitation.
Note: Increasing this value can impact the performance of the tagging widget. = (50)
Use this property to specify the maximum number of personal tags that users can create in the widget. Specify a numeric value. The default value is 50 . This limit applies separately to each, personal public and personal private tags, in other words, the default of 50 allows 50 public and 50 private tags per user per resource. This limit is a display limitation of the widget, not a functional limitation. Increasing this value can impact the performance of the tagging widget. = (DESC)  
Use this property to specify the order direction for displaying the tags. This property is related to the property . It can take the following values:
This is the default value. It specifies descending order. For example, when the default TAG_SPACE_COUNT_REVERSE_NAME is specified for the previous order metric property, tags with the highest count and the lowest character in the alphabet are listed first.
This value specifies ascending order. For example, if the order metric property is specified as orderMetric = TAG_SPACE_COUNT , tags with the lowest count are listed first. = (TAG_SPACE_COUNT_REVERSE_NAME)  
Use this property to specify the order metric for the order by which the tags are displayed. To determine the actual order, use the property . The default value is TAG_SPACE_COUNT_REVERSE_NAME . This default means that tags are shown first by the tag count, with resources with more tags shown before resources with fewer tags, then, if resources have the same number of tags, alphabetically. Other possible values are:
For more details see the class in the portal Javadoc and to the Dialog tag widget parameter reference in this documentation. = (true)
Use this property to determine whether users can add private tags in the dialog tag widget. The default value is true . If you set this property to false , users can add only public tags. = (tagsChanged)  
Use this property to specify the name of the event that is fired when a user adds or deletes a tag in the dialog widget. This event is caught by the inline tag widget or widgets of the same resource. These then update themselves. The default value is tagsChanged. The event name specified here must be matched by the event name specified for the tag inline widget. = (true)  
Use this property to control whether the drop down button for selecting locales is displayed. Users can associate a locale with the tag that they apply to make sure it is displayed correctly. = (1000)  
Use this property to specify the time that the fade-out action of return messages takes in milliseconds. This affects the fade-out after information, warning, or error messages that have been displayed. The default is 1000 milliseconds. = (true)  
Use this property to determine whether the tags can be clicked for redirection or public render parameter exposure. The default is true . = (false)  
Use this property to specify whether scopes to which a tag belongs, for example categories, are transmitted, when a user clicks a tag. Setting this property set to true makes sense only if you also set the property to true . = (COMMUNITY_PERSONAL_PUBLIC)
Use this property to specify the scope of tags that you want to show in this inline widget. Specify one of the following values:
If you do not specify a value, the property defaults to COMMUNITY_PERSONAL_PUBLIC .
localePickerEnabled = (true)
Use this property to determine whether the locale picker is shown. The default is true . The locale picker is a dropdown button that users can use to determine under which locale they want to save their tag to make sure that it is displayed correctly. By default tags are saved under the default locale.