Configuration parameters for the agent

When you configure the RabbitMQ agent, you can change the default values of the parameters, such as the instance name and the SSL validation certificates.

The following table contains detailed descriptions of the configuration parameters for the RabbitMQ agent.
Table 1. Names and descriptions of the configuration parameters for the RabbitMQ agent
Parameter name Description Mandatory field
IP Address The IP address of the node where the RabbitMQ application is installed. Yes
Username The user name of the RabbitMQ user. Yes
Password The password to connect to the RabbitMQ management user interface. Yes
Confirm Password The same password that you entered in the Password field. Yes
Port Number The port number where the RabbitMQ management plugin is enabled. Use the default port number 15672, or specify another port number. No
Java home The path where the java plugin is installed. Use the default path C:\Program Files\IBM\Java50, or the directory path where java plugin is installed. No
Java trace level The trace level of the Java™ provider. The valid trace level values are as follows:
  • OFF
  • WARN
  • INFO
  • ALL
Path to Truststore The path to the truststore that is in the jks format and that contains the trusted CA certificate. No
Protocol The protocol that is used to create the connection. No