Unconfiguring the Python data collector for on-premises applications

If you do not need to monitor your Python environment or if you want to upgrade the Python data collector, you must first unconfigure previous settings for the Python data collector.


  1. Go to the home directory of your Python application.
  2. Remove the following lines from the requirements.txt file for the application:
    --extra-index-url https://<your_host_name_and_domain>/python_dc/static/python-dc-repos/simple/
  3. In the settings.py file, remove the following line from the MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES section:
  4. Run the pip uninstall ibm_python_dc command to uninstall the Python data collector from the Python run time.


You have successfully unconfigured the Python data collector.

What to do next

After you unconfigure the data collector, the Cloud APM console continues to display the data collector in any applications that you added the data collector to. The Cloud APM console will show that no data is available for the application and will not indicate that the data collector is offline. For information about how to remove the data collector from applications and from resource groups, see Removing data collectors from Cloud APM console.