Prerequisite scanner

After you start the installation script for the Cloud APM server, a prerequisite scanner runs automatically and displays the scan results. The scanner displays a path to a log file that you can review if any of the prerequisites are not met. You must address the unmet prerequisites before you can start the installation again.

A soft prerequisite, such as low available memory, does not stop the installation, but is displayed in the results. An out-of-date library or insufficient disk space stops the installation. The minimum requirements for installation are provided in Table 1 and Table 2 in Cloud APM server hardware requirements. See the Small column in the table for the applicable offering.
The following prerequisite scanner results show an example where the prerequisite checks failed. You must correct the problems that are found and start the installation again. (See Tips for resolving unmet dependencies.)
     Build  : 20160602
     OS name: Linux
   User name: root

 Machine Information
 Machine name: somehost
 Serial number:  ...

Scenario: Prerequisite Scan

KIM - IBM Monitoring [version 01020006]:
Property                      Result    Found                          Expected
========                      ======    =====                          ========
Memory                        WARN      3.48GB                         12-16GB
Disk                          FAIL      14.00GB                        100GB
os.swapSize                   WARN      3.81GB                         2-4GB
numLogicalCPU                 WARN      2                              4
db2.usersNotPresent           FAIL      db2fenc1,dasusr1               dasusr1, db2apm, db2fenc1, itmuser
db2.groupsNotPresent          FAIL      db2iadm1,db2fadm1              db2iadm1,db2fadm1,dasadm1
os.isUnixServiceRunning.crond FAIL      False                          True
os.lib.pam_32                 FAIL      Unavailable                    regex{*}
os.package.sg3_utils          FAIL      Unavailable                    sg3_utils

Aggregated Properties for Scanned Products:
Property                     Result    Found                          Expected
========                     ======    =====                          ========
/                            FAIL      14.00GB                        100.00GB
Memory                       WARN      3.48GB                         12.00-16.00GB

Overall result:   FAIL

Detailed results are also available in /tmp/smai_prs_20141203_053249/result.txt

See Table 1 in Cloud APM server prerequisites for a list of the prerequisites that are checked, an understanding of what a failure means for each prerequisite, and an indication of the action to take to resolve each failure.