Configuring the agent by responding to prompts

To configure the agent on Linux® systems, you must run the script and respond to prompts.


  1. On the command line, enter the following command:

    install_dir/bin/ config instance_name

    Example /opt/ibm/apm/agent/bin/ config instance_name


    Name that you want to give to the instance.
    Path where the agent is installed.
  2. Respond to the prompts by referring to the following topics:
  3. Run the following command to start the agent:

    install_dir/bin/ start instance_name

    Example /opt/ibm/apm/agent/bin/ start instance_name

What to do next

Log in to the Cloud APM console to view the data that is collected by the agent in the dashboards. For information about using the Cloud APM console, see Starting the Cloud APM console.

If you need help with troubleshooting, see the Troubleshooting section.