Specifying unique managed system name for IBM Integration Bus agent

The IBM® Integration Bus agent instance name displayed on the Cloud APM console is also known as the managed system name(MSN). You can use the agent configuration parameter to specify unique MSN for each agent instance.

About this task

When the IBM Integration Bus agent is started, it registers the MSN in the format of monitoredbrokername:agentID:KQIB for each agent instance, where monitoredbrokername is the name of monitored broker and agentID is the agent ID that is set by agent configuration parameter. The maximum length of the MSN is 32 characters. If the MSN length exceeds 32 characters, it will truncated.

Unique MSN might be required in the following circumstances:

  • You are running more than one IBM Integration Bus agent on the same system.
  • You are running more than one monitored broker with the same name on different systems.

To specify an agent ID to get a unique MSN, use the Agent Id option during interactive configuration or use the agentId parameter in the silent response file.

Remember: If you have not configured the IBM Integration Bus agent for the first time after installation, follow the steps as documented in Configuring the IBM Integration Bus agent.


  • To use the Agent Id option during interactive configuration, complete the following steps:
    1. Enter the following command:
      install_dir/bin/iib-agent.sh config instance_name
      where instance_name is the agent instance name that you want to specify an agent ID for.
    2. Follow the options to configure the agent instance.
      If no change is needed for an option, use the default value.
    3. When the Agent Id option appears, specify the middle qualifier for the managed system name.
      The valid format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum length of 8 characters.
  • To use the agentId parameter in the silent response file, complete the following steps:
    1. Open the following agent silent response file in a text editor.
      • Linux or AIXinstall_dir/samples/iib_silent_config.txt
      • Windowsinstall_dir\tmaitm6_x64\samples\qi_silent_config.txt
    2. Specify an agent ID for the agentId parameter.
      The valid format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum length of 8 characters.
    3. Save and close the silent response file, and then run the following command from the command line:
      • Linux or AIXinstall_dir/bin/iib-agent.sh config instance_name path_to_responsefile
      • Windowsinstall_dir\BIN\iib-agent.bat config "instance_name path_to_responsefile"
      where instance_name is the name of the instance that you configure, and path_to_responsefile is the full path of the silent response file.
      Warning: On Windows systems, do not include double quotation marks ("") that enclose the full path to the silent response file, as this will cause a configuration error.
    4. After the configuration completes, enter the following command to start the agent:
      • Linux or AIX
        install_dir/bin/iib-agent.sh start instance_name
      • Windows
        install_dir\bin\iib-agent.bat start instance_name

What to do next

Log in to the Cloud APM console. If the agent instance with previous MSN is still displayed as offline, edit your application to remove it and then add the new agent instance with the assigned agent ID.