Downloading the Liberty data collector

The Liberty data collector is available in the WebSphere Liberty Repository and it can be automatically downloaded if your local system can access this online public repository. If your firewall rules do not allow connection to the WebSphere Liberty Repository, you can download it from another system that has access.

About this task

To download the Liberty data collector, complete the download from WebSphere Liberty Repository:


  • If your environment doesn't have access to the WebSphere Liberty repository where the Liberty application container is built, complete the following steps:
    1. Download the extension pack from another system that can access Liberty data collector in the WebSphere Liberty Repository.
    2. Copy the downloaded file to a temporary directory on your local system where the Liberty application is running.
  • If your environment has access to the WebSphere Liberty repository where the Liberty application container is built, complete the following step:
    • If Liberty runs in a containerized environment, add the following to the Docker file, so that the .esa file is downloaded automatically:
      RUN /opt/ibm/wlp/bin/installUtility install ibmAppMetricsForJava-1.2.1 --acceptLicense
    • If Liberty runs in an on-premise environment, run the following command:
      /opt/ibm/wlp/bin/installUtility install ibmAppMetricsForJava-1.2.1 --acceptLicense