IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform Version 3.5.2

Storage of translation files

When you export record data and labels, the exported translation files are stored in the userfiles\Translations directory.

Record data

Exported record data is stored in the userfiles\Translations\tririgaData\export directory, with the following subdirectories:


Contains exported record data files. Files are organized by business object and named Module_BusinessObject.xliff. For example, the calendar period business object, which is in the Classification module, is exported to Classification_triCalendarPeriod.xliff.

Each XLIFF file for data contains a maximum of 100 records. If more than 100 records exist for a business object, extra files for that business object are created and numbers are appended to the file name, for example Classification_triCalendarPeriod_01.xliff, Classification_triCalendarPeriod_02.xliff.

Before each export, if the updates folder is not empty, the contents are backed up into the \updates_date_time folder.

Used as the base files for delta exports and updated after data files are exported. You can manually update the reference directory if required. Before each export, if the reference folder is not empty, the contents are backed up into the \reference_date_time folder.
Contains files from the reference directory that are going to be deleted. Before each export, if the forDeletion folder is not empty, the contents are backed up into the \forDeletion_date_time folder.
Contains new and updated data from delta exports. Before each export, if the deltaOnly folder is not empty, the contents are backed up into the \deltaOnly_date_time folder.


Exported labels are stored in the userfiles\Translations\tririgaLabel\export directory, with the following subdirectories:


Contains exported label files. Files are organized by label type and named Module_LabelType.xliff. For example, the GUI labels, which are in the Document module, are exported to Document_GUILabel.xliff.

Each XLIFF file for labels contains a maximum of 1000 labels. If more than 1000 labels exist for a label type, extra files for that label type are created and numbers are appended to the file name, for example Document_GUILabel_01.xliff, Document_GUILabel_02.xliff.

Before each export, if the updates folder is not empty, the contents are backed up into the \updates_date_time folder.

Used as the base files for delta exports and updated after label files are exported. You can manually update the reference directory if required. Before each export, if the reference folder is not empty, the contents are backed up into the \reference_date_time folder.
Contains files from the reference directory that are going to be deleted. Before each export, if the forDeletion folder is not empty, the contents are backed up into the \forDeletion_date_time folder.
Contains the inclusion and exclusion files for the labels.
Contains new and updated labels from label delta exports. Before each export, if the deltaOnly folder is not empty, the contents are backed up into the \deltaOnly_date_time folder.
