SAP BusinessObjects BI jobs

Schedule and automate SAP BusinessObjects BI reports with IBM Workload Scheduler plug-in for SAP BusinessObjects BI.


For information about the supported versions of the job plug-ins, generate a dynamic Data Integration report from the IBM® Software Product Compatibility Reports web site, and select the Supported Software tab.

To create an SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence (BI) job definition, you must first complete the prerequisite steps that are listed in the following procedure:
  1. Open the SAP BusinessObjects BI Central Management Console and find the access URL defined in the RESTful Web Service application (for example, https://hostname:6405/biprws), to be referenced as server in the SAP BusinessObjects BI job definition.
    Note: Only reports scheduled for the single user who is specified in the SAP BusinessObjects BI server login are supported. The default setting for Schedule for field must be set to Schedule only for myself. Reports with default setting for Schedule for set to Schedule for specified users and user groups are not supported.
  2. Verify the content of the file


    This file contains the plug-in properties that were set at installation time. The default content of the properties file for SAP BusinessObjects BI plug-in is the following:
    The SAP BusinessObjects BI access URL defined in the SAP BusinessObjects BI RESTful Web Service application.
    The name of the user authorized to access the SAP BusinessObjects BI server.
    The password that is associated with the user authorized to access the SAP BusinessObjects BI server.
    The type of authentication that is supported by SAP BusinessObjects BI.
    Can be:
    • secEnterprise (default)
    • secLDAP
    • secWinAD
    • secSAPR3
    The monitoring frequency. It determines how often the job is monitored. It is expressed in seconds.
    The monitoring time. It determines for how long the job is monitored. At the end of the timeout interval the job fails. It is expressed in seconds.
    Text delimiter in case of .CSV report format type. It can be one of the following: " '
    Column delimiter in case of .CSV report format type. It can be one of the following: , ; tab
    Report character set in case of .CSV report format type.
    It indicates that a different .CSV report is generated for each of the data providers present in the report. It can be true or false.
    You can choose to override any of the default values set at installation time. The values that you specify in the properties file are the values that are used at job definition time.

    The properties file is automatically generated either when you perform a "Test Connection" from the Dynamic Workload Console in the job definition panels, or when you submit the job to run the first time. Once the file has been created, you can customize it. This is especially useful when you need to schedule several jobs of the same type. You can specify the values in the properties file and avoid having to provide information such as credentials and other information, for each job. You can override the values in the properties files by defining different values at job definition time.

SAP BusinessObjects BI job definition

An SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence (BI) job enables automation, monitor, and control of workflows containing SAP BusinessObjects BI reports (Crystal and Webi reports).

A description of the job properties and valid values are detailed in the context-sensitive help in the Dynamic Workload Console by clicking the question mark (?) icon in the top-right corner of the properties pane.

For more information about creating jobs by using the various supported product interfaces, see Defining a job.

The following table lists the required and optional attributes for SAP BusinessObjects BI jobs:
Table 1. Required and optional attributes for the definition of a SAP BusinessObjects BI job
Attribute Description and value Required
server The SAP BusinessObjects BI access URL defined in the SAP BusinessObjects BI RESTful Web Service application. If not specified in the plug-in properties file.
username The name of the user authorized to access the SAP BusinessObjects BI server. If not specified in the plug-in properties file.
password The password that is associated with the user authorized to access the SAP BusinessObjects BI server. If not specified in the plug-in properties file.
authType The type of authentication that is supported by SAP BusinessObjects BI.
Can be:
Windows AD

Default value is the type of authentication that is specified in the plug-in properties file.

If not specified in the plug-in properties file.
BOObject The SAP BusinessObjects BI resource to be scheduled.

You can use asterisks (*) or question marks (?) as wildcard characters.

timeout The monitoring time. It determines for how long the job is monitored. At the end of the timeout interval the job fails. It is expressed in seconds. Default value set in the plug-in properties file is 7200.
pollingPeriod The monitoring frequency. It determines how often the job is monitored. It is expressed in seconds. Default value set in the plug-in properties file is 10.
formatType The type of your SAP BusinessObjects BI report.
Can be:
Web Intelligence
Adobe Acrobat
Microsoft Excel
Command Separated Values (CSV)

Default value is the default format type that is defined on your SAP BusinessObjects BI server.

emailFrom Email From field.

If the email parameters are not specified, the report is sent to the SAP BusinessObjects BI server (default destination).

If you choose to send your report by email.
emailTo Email To field. If you choose to send your report by email.
emailCc Email Cc field. If you choose to send your report by email.
emailBcc Email Bcc field. If you choose to send your report by email.
emailSubject Email Subject field. If you choose to send your report by email.
emailMessage Email Message text. If you choose to send your report by email.
emailUseSpecificFileName The name of the file to be attached to your email. If you choose to send your report by email.
serverGroupId The identification of a group of servers created on your SAP BusinessObjects BI server. The group of servers includes the server to be used to create your report. If the parameter is not specified, the first available server is used (default value).
Custom parameters for Webi Reports Custom parameters for the SAP BusinessObjects BI Webi Report that you want to run.

Scheduling and stopping the job in IBM Workload Scheduler

You schedule IBM Workload Scheduler SAP BusinessObjects BI jobs by defining them in job streams. Add the job to a job stream with all the necessary scheduling arguments and submit the job stream.

You can submit jobs by using the Dynamic Workload Console, or the conman command line. See Scheduling and submitting jobs and job streams for information about how to schedule and submit jobs and job streams by using the various interfaces.

After submission, when the job is running and is reported in EXEC status in IBM Workload Scheduler, you can stop it if necessary, by using the kill command. However, this action is effective only for the Request/Response scenario, therefore the IBM Workload Scheduler processes do not wait to receive a response from the SAP BusinessObjects BI job.

Monitoring the job

If the IBM Workload Scheduler agent stops when you submit the IBM Workload Scheduler SAP BusinessObjects BI job or while the job is running, as soon as the agent restarts in the Request/Response scenario, IBM Workload Scheduler begins monitoring the job from where it stopped and waits for the Response phase. For information about how to monitor jobs by using the different product interfaces available, see Monitoring IBM Workload Scheduler jobs.

Job properties

While the job is running, you can track the status of the job and analyze the properties of the job. In particular, in the Extra Information section, if the job contains variables, you can verify the value that is passed to the variable from the remote system. Some job streams use the variable passing feature, for example, the value of a variable specified in job 1, contained in job stream A, is required by job 2 in order to run in the same job stream.

For information about how to display the job properties from the various supported interfaces, see Analyzing the job log.

For example, from the conman command line, you can see the job properties by running
conman sj <SAP BusinessObjects_job_name>;props
where, <SAP BusinessObjects_job_name> is the SAP BusinessObjects BI job name.
For a SAP BusinessObjects BI job in the Extra Information section of the output command, you see the following properties:
Extra Information
  Authorization Type = secEnterprise
  SAP BusinessObjects resource instance ID = 9547
  SAP BusinessObjects resource instance status = Completed(1)
  SAP BusinessObjects resource = World Sales Report (rid:5376)
  Server address = http://hostname:6405/biprws
  User name =
Authorization Type
The type of authentication that is supported by SAP BusinessObjects BI Server.
SAP BusinessObjects resource instance ID
The ID of the report instance that is created by the SAP BusinessObjects BI job.
SAP BusinessObjects resource instance status
The status of the report instance that is created by the SAP BusinessObjects BI job.
SAP BusinessObjects resource
The name and the ID of the report that is scheduled by the SAP BusinessObjects BI job.
Server address
The SAP BusinessObjects BI server that you specify in the Server field.
User name
The name of the user authorized to access the SAP BusinessObjects BI server that you specify in the User name field.

You can export the SAP BusinessObjects BI job properties that you can see in the Extra Information section, to a successive job in the same job stream instance. For more information about the list of job properties that you can export, see Properties for SAP BusinessObjects BI jobs.

The following example shows the job definition for a SAP BusinessObjects BI job :
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <jsdl:jobDefinition xmlns:jsdl=""
<jsdl:application name="sapbusinessobjects">
<jsdlsapbusinessobjects:PromptsTableValue key=
"Compare 2005 data with the following Year:(dpId:DP1, type:Text)">2004
<jsdlsapbusinessobjects:BOObject>Track Data Changes (rid:12248)

Job log content

You can see the job log content by running the command conman sj <SAP BusinessObjects_job_name>;stdlist, where <SAP BusinessObjects_job_name> is the SAP BusinessObjects BI job name.

For a SAP BusinessObjects BI job log, you see the following information:
= JOB       : PHOENIX_1#JOBS[(0000 06/12/14),(JOBS)].SAP1456274126
= TASK      :
<jsdl:jobDefinition xmlns:jsdl=""
<jsdl:stringVariable name="">JOBS
<jsdl:stringVariable name="">JOBS
<jsdl:stringVariable name="">SAP1456274126
<jsdl:stringVariable name="tws.job.workstation">PHOENIX_1
<jsdl:stringVariable name="tws.job.iawstz">201406120000
<jsdl:stringVariable name="tws.job.promoted">NO
<jsdl:stringVariable name="tws.job.resourcesForPromoted">10
<jsdl:stringVariable name="tws.job.num">262401960
<jsdl:application name="sapbusinessobjects">
<jsdlsapbusinessobjects:BOObject>World Sales Report (rid:5376)
= Job Number: 262401960
= Thu Jun 12 14:56:46 CEST 2014
Scheduling BO object: World Sales Report (rid:5376)
BO object instance created with ID: 9547
Monitoring BO object World Sales Report (rid:5376) - Instance id:9547
BO monitoring iteration 0 Status: Pending
BO monitoring iteration 1 Status: Pending
BO monitoring iteration 2 Status: Running
BO monitoring iteration 3 Status: Running
BO monitoring iteration 4 Status: Running
BO monitoring iteration 5 Status: Completed
BO Report completed with success

= Exit Status           : 0
= Elapsed Time (Minutes) : 2
= Thu Jun 12 14:57:47 CEST 2014

See also

From the Dynamic Workload Console you can perform the same task as described in

Creating job definitions.

For more information about how to create and edit scheduling objects, see

Designing your Workload.