Satisfying Requests for Enhancements (RFEs) in version 9.5 Fix Pack 5

IBM Workload Scheduler satisfies Requests for Enhancements (RFEs).

Requests for Enhancements (RFEs) give customers the opportunity to collaborate directly with the product development team and other users. The team prioritizes and develops new product features based on proposals made by customers.

IBM® Workload Scheduler V9.5 Fix Pack 5 delivers the following RFEs:

RFE 116956 - Integrate dynamic agents authentication with Kerberos
A new integration with Kerberos is now available onAutomation Hub. You can use it to communicate securely over an insecure network by leveraging the Kerberos Authentication Protocol for submitting jobs on dynamic agents.
RFE 126270 - Dependency details prompt while removing jobs
You can now see an alert message that indicates the dependencies of a job selected for deletion. This only works for the current network. If dependent jobs are part of a larger network, they will not be deleted.
RFE 141877 - Dynamic Workload Console Monitor Jobs 'Hold with Successors' does not give the option to block the function
You can now enable or disable the Hold with successors feature for different user roles. This feature is enabled by default for the Administrator and has to be manually edited in an XML file to make it visible in the More actions menu in the Monitor Job page for any other role.
RFE 149991 - Add support for group authority on IBM i DA
When specifying the user that runs a job on the IBM i workstation, you can define a user which is part of an operating system group
RFE 150599 - Workstation should show offline for agent pools connected to a dynamic domain manager

A new API on the dynamic domain manager is now available. The API checks if there is at least one agent available for a given pool, so the caller can determine if the pool workstation is online or offline, same as for z-centric or dynamic agents.

To view a complete list of RFEs, new, planned, and delivered, see: RFE online community.