Start of changeIBM Workload Automation, Version 9.3

Prerequisite steps to create SAP BusinessObjects BI jobs

About this task

To create a SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence (BI) job definition, you must first complete the prerequisite steps that are listed in the following procedure:
  1. Open the SAP BusinessObjects BI Central Management Console and find the access URL defined in the RESTful Web Service application (for example, https://hostname:6405/biprws), to be referenced as server in the SAP BusinessObjects BI job definition.
    Note: Only reports scheduled for the single user specified in the SAP BusinessObjects BI server login are supported. The default setting for Schedule for field must be set to Schedule only for myself. Reports with default setting for Schedule for set to Schedule for specified users and user groups are not supported.
  2. Verify the content of the file


    This file contains the plug-in properties that were set at installation time. The default content of the properties file for SAP BusinessObjects BI plug-in is the following:
    The SAP BusinessObjects BI access URL defined in the SAP BusinessObjects BI RESTful Web Service application.
    The name of the user authorized to access the SAP BusinessObjects BI server.
    The password that is associated with the user authorized to access the SAP BusinessObjects BI server.
    The type of authentication supported by SAP BusinessObjects BI.
    Can be:
    • secEnterprise
    • secLDAP
    • secWinAD
    • secSAPR3
    The monitoring frequency. It determines how often the job is monitored. It is expressed in seconds.
    The monitoring time. It determines for how long the job is monitored. At the end of the timeout interval the job fails. It is expressed in seconds.
    You can choose to override any of the default values set at installation time. The values that you specify in the properties file are the values that are used at job definition time.

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