Tivoli Workload Automation, Version 9.2

Tivoli Workload Scheduler user information

About this task

Complete the following Tivoli Workload Scheduler data fields.
User name
Specify the Tivoli Workload Scheduler user name. User name can contain alphanumeric, dash (-), and underscore (_) characters; it cannot contain national characters. The first character of the user name must be a letter. The default value is twsuser.
On Windows operating systems:
  • If this user account does not already exist, it is automatically created by the installation wizard.
  • If installing on a Windows server in a domain, do not define a domain and local ID with the same user name.
  • If you specify a domain user, define the name as domain_name\user_name.
  • If you specify a local user, define the name as system_name\user_name. Type and confirm the password.
On UNIX and Linux operating systems:
This user account must be created manually before running the installation. Create a user with a home directory and group. For more information, see Tivoli Workload Scheduler user.
Note: The Tivoli Workload Scheduler user name and password are also used as the WebSphere Application Server administrator user name and password.
Specify the Tivoli Workload Scheduler password. The password must comply with the password policy in your Local Security Settings. Spaces are not permitted.
On Windows operating systems:
Passwords for users can include any alphanumeric characters and ()!?=^*/~[]$_+;:.,@`-#.
On UNIX and LINUX systems:
Passwords for users can include any alphanumeric characters and ()!?=*~_+.-.
Confirm password
Confirm the Tivoli Workload Scheduler password that you entered.
Validate user
Click to validate that the user was defined successfully and with the correct permissions.