Tivoli Workload Automation, Version 9.2

twsinst needs long time to run if the machine does not have enough temporary space

About this task


If the machine does not have enough temporary space, the agent installation performed by using the twsinst script needs a long time to run, due to concomitant use of the temporary directory by the twsinst script and by the check prerequisites script started by thetwsinst script.

Cause and solution:

You can solve the long time execution problem by manually running the prereq_checker.sh script on UNIX and Linux operating systems and prereq_checker.bat script on Windows operating systems, that performs the check prerequisites process before running the twsinst.

You can manually run the check prerequisites script, by performing the following steps:
On Windows operating systems:
  1. Log on as Administrator on the machine where you want to install the agent.
  2. Go to the <CD-ROM>\Prerequisites directory where <CD-ROM> is the directory where you mounted the CD-ROM.
  3. Run:
    Dynamic agent or Tivoli Workload Scheduler for z/OS Agent
    prereq_checker.bat "DA1 09010000" 
    -p "DA1.inst_dir=<TWS_INST_DIR>,DA1.work_dir=<TEMP_DIR>"
    where <TWS_INST_DIR> is the Tivoli Workload Scheduler installation directory and <TEMP_DIR> is the temporary directory.
    Fault tolerant-agent
    prereq_checker.bat "FTA 09010000" 
    -p "FTA.inst_dir=<TWS_INST_DIR>,,FTA.work_dir=<TEMP_DIR>"
    where <TWS_INST_DIR> is the Tivoli Workload Scheduler installation directory and <TEMP_DIR> is the temporary directory.
On UNIX and Linux operating systems:
  1. Log on as root on the machine where you want to install the agent.
  2. Go to the <CD-ROM>\Prerequisites directory where <CD-ROM> is the directory where you mounted the CD-ROM.
  3. Run:
    Dynamic agent or Tivoli Workload Scheduler for z/OS Agent
     ./prereq_checker.sh "DA1 09010000,TWA 09010000" 
     -p "DA1.inst_dir=<TWS_INST_DIR>,DA1.work_dir=<TEMP_DIR>"
    where <TWS_INST_DIR> is the Tivoli Workload Scheduler installation directory and <TEMP_DIR> is the temporary directory.
    Fault tolerant-agent
     ./prereq_checker.sh "FTA 09010000,TWA 09010000" 
     -p "FTA.inst_dir=<TWS_INST_DIR>,FTA.work_dir=<TEMP_DIR>"
    where <TWS_INST_DIR> is the Tivoli Workload Scheduler installation directory and <TEMP_DIR> is the temporary directory.