
Use the AUDITCP statement to activate or deactivate the tracking process automatically performed by the scheduler, related to the status change of an operation condition in the current plan.

The following statements are optional because the related TRL records are used only for monitoring and not for JT reapply processing.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram>>-AUDITCP--+-----------------------+--------------------------->
            |             .-NO--.   |
   |             .-NO--.   |  |              .-NO--.   |
   '-CDEPSTATUS(-+-YES-+-)-'  '-CDEPSTEPEND(-+-YES-+-)-'
   |               .-NO--.   |


If you set this parameter to YES, every time a condition automatically changes its status, the scheduler creates a data record TRLBDY45 in the JT log.

If you use the default, the scheduler performs the standard process for TRLBDY45 records, that is creates them only to track condition status change after a MCP request.

If you set this parameter to YES, every time a condition dependency changes its status, the scheduler creates a data record TRLBDY44 in the JT log.

If you use the default, the scheduler performs the standard process for TRLBDY44 records, that is creates them only to track condition dependency status change after a MCP request.

If you set this parameter to YES, every time a step-end event is received and a condition dependency referring it is found in the plan, the scheduler creates a data record TRLBDY49 in the JT log.

If you use the default, TRLBDY49 records are not created.

If you set this parameter to YES, every time an Unexpected RC situation occurs (messages EQQE141W, EQQE142W or EQQM215W are issued on controller MLOG) the scheduler creates a data record TRLBDY50 in the JT log.

If you use the default TRLBDY50, records are not created.