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Web browser requirements

The Operations Center can run in Apple, Google, Microsoft, and Mozilla web browsers.

For optimal viewing of the Operations Center in the web browser, ensure that the screen resolution for the system is set to a minimum of 1024 X 768 pixels.

For optimal performance, use a web browser that has good JavaScript performance, and enable browser caching.

The Operations Center can run in the following web browsers:
  • Apple Safari on the iPad
    Restriction: If Apple Safari is running on iOS 8.x, you cannot use a self-signed certificate for secure communication with the Operations Center without extra configuration of the certificate. Use a certificate authority (CA) certificate, or configure the self-signed certificate as needed. For instructions, see Technote
  • Google Chrome 40 or later
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 or later
  • Mozilla Firefox ESR 31 or later

To run the Operations Center in compliance with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Special Publications (SP) 800-131A recommendation, communication between the Operations Center and the web browser must be secured by using the Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.2 protocol. During installation, you specify whether SP 800-131A compliance is required and the level of compliance. If strict SP 800-131A compliance is specified during installation, the web browser must support TLS 1.2, and TLS 1.2 must be enabled.

The web browser displays an SSL error if strict SP 800-131A compliance is specified during installation, and the web browser does not meet the preceding requirements.