Windows operating systems

Checking media into automated library devices

After volumes have been labeled, make the volumes available to Tivoli® Storage Manager devices by checking the volumes into the library volume inventory using the CHECKIN LIBVOLUME command.

About this task

The CHECKIN LIBVOLUME command involves device access, and may take a long time to complete. For this reason, the command always executes as a background process. Wait for the CHECKIN LIBVOLUME process to complete before defining volumes or the defining process will fail. You can save time by checking in volumes as part of the labeling operation. For details, see Labeling media.

You can specify that Tivoli Storage Manager read media labels for the volumes you are checking in. When label-checking is enabled, Tivoli Storage Manager mounts each volume and reads the internal label before checking in the volume. Tivoli Storage Manager checks in only volumes that are properly labeled. Checking labels can prevent errors later, when Tivoli Storage Manager selects and mounts volumes, but it also increases check in processing time.