Volume volume name not checked into library library name but is using category category number.


While processing a DEFINE LIBRARY or AUDIT LIBRARY command for the given library, the server found a volume that was not checked into the library (with the CHECKIN LIBVOL command), but is assigned to one of the categories in use by that library.

System action

If the volume category equals the value of the library SCRATCHCAT the category is changed to the value of the library PRIVATECAT. This is to prevent the library from loading the volume when a scratch volume is requested.

User response

If the volume is to be used by the server, it does not have to be reassigned but it must be checked into the library with the CHECKIN LIBVOL command. If the volume is not to be used by the server, use the mtlib program to reassign the volume to its correct category. For details about the mtlib program, refer to the documentation provided with the library device.