Either the high level address, low level address, or both were never entered for the specified node( nodename ) and the session initiation status is being changed.


When the session initiation status of a node is changed by using the SESSIONINIT parameter on the UPDATE NODE command, the scheduling table is updated to reflect the address specified with HLA and LLA keywords of the UPDATE NODE command. If one or both of these keywords have never been used to provide addressing information for the node, server-initiated scheduling will not be able to contact this node.

System action

The server does not update the scheduling table. Subsequent server initiated sessions with the node are likely to fail, unless an additional UPDATE NODE command provides both the HLADDRESS and LLA parameters with correct address information.

User response

Both the high level address and low level address are required for an address to be valid. Issue the UPDATE NODE command for this node with complete addressing information through the HLADDRESS parameter for the node address, and the LLADDRESS parameter for the node listen port information.