Operation operationId for backup series seriesID does not reference volume volumeName, the volume history information is not correct.


Once the DSMSERV RESTORE DB command selects a candidate database backup series, it will validate the information from the backup data stream and compare it to the information available from the volume history file. In this case, the volume history information reports a volume assigned to a given series and operation but that backup does not reference that volume.

System action


User response

This may be caused by one of two possible cases. The first is that the transaction log information recorded for this backup to make this database referentially consistent required more than one volume to store this information. This should be referenced with a write sequence number greater than 10001. If this was assigned a sequence value less than this value, it would be considered as a database backup volume which would result in this error. Alternatively, if this volume simply does not belong to this database backup series or operation, that would result in this failure as well. Removing this entry from the volume history file to eliminate it from consideration for this backup series and operation or correcting the operation id and series id to an approprite value would also resolve this. After considering the cases above and taking action for one or the other of them, retry the restore database operation.