Command: Invalid combination of enhanced schedule parameters or their values, parm1 and parm2, found for schedule name.


The specified update command has been issued with either an invalid combination of parameters or their values, or a specified parameter or value is not compatible with an option that is not being updated for the existing schedule. WEEKOFMONTH and DAYOFWEEK must not be specified with DAYOFMONTH. WEEKEND or WEEKDAY must be specified with the FIRST or LAST week of month.

System action

Server operation continues, but the command is not processed.

User response

To see the options for the existing schedule, issue: QUERY SCHEDULE FORMAT=DETAILED for the client or administrative schedule. Determine if the error was caused by one of the following:
  • a conflict between parameters to the update command.
  • a conflict between a parameter specified with the update command and a value that already exists for the schedule.
For the latter problem, also update the existing option that is causing the problem. Correct the update command and issue it again.